Questions tagged [jaeger]

Jaeger is a modern, secured, distributed, highly-scalable, SPoF avoided tracing system ( open sourced ). It can be used for monitoring microservice-based architectures with a Javascript / React Web UI and Cloud deployed collection of Docker images, operating as the system-backend.

The WHY part :

The majority of operational problems that arise when moving to a distributed architecture are ultimately grounded in two areas:
networking and
It is simply an orders of magnitude larger problem to network and debug a set of intertwined distributed services versus a single monolithic application.

enter image description here


268 questions
2 answers

How to change the Host and port for Jaeger API in java

We have selected to use Jaeger API is used for tracing. There , we have setup the Jaeger locally using docker as mentioned below. sudo docker run -d --name jaeger \ -p 5775:5775/udp \ -p 6831:6831/udp \ -p 6832:6832/udp \ -p 5778:5778 \ -p…
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Unable to see service name in jaeger ui - Java spring application

I am trying to integrate jaeger tracing in my java spring application. I have added following code in the configuration file : @Bean public io.opentracing.Tracer jaegerTracer(){ Sender sender = new…
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Micronaut: How to print traceId and spanId in logs?

I've been using Spring Boot for a long time. I'm working on Micronaut now. I'm used to using Sleuth to print trace and span IDs automatically on logs. What is the sleuth equivalent in Micronaut? If there is no equivalent, how to print the trace and…
Anoop Hallimala
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3 answers

Jaeger/Opentracing with Kafka and docker compose

I can only find old and incomplete examples of using opentracing/jaeger with Kafka. I want to run an example locally as a proof of concept - opentracing spans to kafka. I managed to get some of this working, but on jeager-query service I keep…
Mark Robson
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1 answer

Jaeger instrumentation for Spring Cloud RxJava

I'm trying to instrument a Spring Cloud RxJava sample app with Jaeger, and for some reason I'm failing! I have a couple of other SpringCloud apps, like Hystrix, JDBC and JMS working fine with the tracing being reported to Jeager by just adding the…
Juliano Costa
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1 answer

How to send trace data to Jaeger through OpenTelemetry in front end app?

Background I am trying to trace in a front end app. I am not be able to use @opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger since I believe it is for Node.js back end app only. So I am trying to use @opentelemetry/exporter-collector. 1. Succeed to print in browser…
Hongbo Miao
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1 answer

Connecting to remote Jaegertracing with C# .Net Core

Im having some issues here with Opentracing and Jaegertracing when it comes to C#. I have had this working before, but with Java projects. So I start to wonder what Im missing when it comes to C# .NET Core web service. This is my class to start my…
Jonas Lindahl
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What is the difference between 'istioctl manifest apply' and 'istioctl install'?

I have noticed that setting values through istioctl manifest apply will affect other Istio resources. For example, when I set --set values.tracing.enabled=true, Kiali which was previously installed in cluster vanished. And what is the right way to…
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Spring Boot app with Spring Cloud Sleuth integration with Jaeger in Istio

I would like to know what's the minimal configuration for a spring-boot app in terms of dependencies if I need to report traces to Jaeger in Istio. I was expecting that by adding only
0 answers

Istio, gRPC, not getting Server Span traces

I have Kubernetes cluster with multiple Java services deployed to AWS with Istio. I built a ServerInterceptor where I had the Istio needed B3 headers to the gRPC context. I then implemented a ClientInterceptor where I parse those headers from the…
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Trying to get bash through docker exec, but nothing works (Jaeger container) --> OCI runtime exec failed

I've been trying to run basic shell commands, ls as an example, but any of them work. So, I've tried to validate if the container has a bash enabled, and answers to similar posts say to run: docker exec -it amazing_robinson //bin//bash docker exec…
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could not found jaeger distributed latency metrics of micro services in prometheus dashboard

We are using Jaeger with camel open tracing to get metrics, we are able to see all the latency metrics in Jaeger UI. In Prometheus we are able to see few jaeger metrics request count, but the some metrics like latency we are not able to found in…
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1 answer

PHP OpenTracing + Jaeger: service does not appear at Jaeger

I was trying to implement the OpenTracing + Jaeger to my PHP project, following the "Get started" example there Tracer, spans and scopes have been created successfully, but Jaeger does not see my…
m m
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How to write spans from different sevices in one trace?

Currently I have several services which are located in different docker containers and the main idea is that they are communicating by sending the json package between themselves. I want to see all the logs of the whole project inference in one…
1 answer

Trying to set up distributed event tracing

I am trying to set up distributed event tracing throughout out microservice architecture. Here is some preamble about our architecture: Traefik load balancer that forwards request to the appropriate backend service based on the route…
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