Questions tagged [open-telemetry]

OpenTelemetry is a set of APIs and SDKs designed for the generation of high-quality telemetry data (traces, metrics, and logs) from cloud-native software. This tag is suitable for questions about operating OpenTelemetry components (such as the collector), instrumenting software or libraries to take advantage of it, or questions about writing new OpenTelemetry components.

97 questions
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How to do trace propagation with nested spans across services using Opentelemtry in python?

I am using opentelemetry api and sdk version 1.0.0 in python and Jaeger to see traces. I have two services that communicates between each other and I can see traces for each service individually on Jaeger but spans are not nested (while they…
2 answers

How to correctly use OpenTelemetry exporter with OpenTelemetry collector in client and server?

I am trying to make OpenTelemetry exporter to work with OpenTelemetry collector. I found this OpenTelemetry collector demo. So I copied these four config files docker-compose.yml (In my app, I removed generators part and prometheus which I…
Hongbo Miao
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Adding Opentelemetry to .Net Core worker service

I am trying to add opentelemetry to one of my .net core 5.0 worker service project everything works ok but the traces are not begin sent to the Jaeger UI, I also notice the ActivitySource.StartActivity return null, I searched on google and looks…
1 answer

Where does Micrometer fit in OpenTelemetry project

With OpenTelemetry trying to become the de-facto standard for Observability of applications/services, where does Micrometer fit in? Micrometer website claims that it is SLF4J for metrics, but does it not contradict OpenTelemetry's Metrics APIs? I…
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How to distinguish metrics from different services

I'm playing with OpenTelemetry and have such a setup: Golang, docker-compose, 3 services, 1 standalone open-telemetry collector, 1 Prometheus. I collect some system metrics to a standalone open-telemetry collector. These metrics are collected from…
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Instrument library in Rust with OpenTelemetry

Im learning tracing in Rust and open-telemetry in Rust. I feel there are too many concepts and too many crates (at least in Rust) to see traces. I wrote a simple lib app that adds two u32s. use std::ops::Add; pub fn add(f: u32, s: u32) -> u32 { …
Boss Man
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Go OpenTelemetry - How correlated span between gRPC server and client in same service

I have a go service that expose a gRPC service, and consume another gRPC service, this last is a gRPC java based service, that tracing correctly with opentelemetry. In my go service, I copy this files: interceptor.go and grpctrace.go from repo…
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2 answers

Is there any OpenTelemetry exporter for Appdynamics?

I am doing some proof of concept to ingest traces and metrics to AppDynamics without installing Appdynamics agent. I have an application emitting prometheus metrics and traces. I could not find any Appdynamics documentation talking about…
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Exporting Spring Cloud Sleuth spans automatically using Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporter client library for Java

I'm trying to use Azure Monitor OpenTelemetry Exporter client library for Java to export all traces/spans from Spring Cloud Sleuth to Azure Monitor. This integration seems to only work with the newest version of Spring Cloud Sleuth after the recent…
0 answers

Wrong aws request signature caused by opentelemetry https plugin

When using the @opentelemetry/plugin-https and the aws-sdk together in a NodeJS application, the opentelemetry plugin adds the traceparent header to each AWS request. This works fine if there is no need for retries in the aws-sdk. When the aws-sdk…
1 answer

How to send trace data to Jaeger through OpenTelemetry in front end app?

Background I am trying to trace in a front end app. I am not be able to use @opentelemetry/exporter-jaeger since I believe it is for Node.js back end app only. So I am trying to use @opentelemetry/exporter-collector. 1. Succeed to print in browser…
Hongbo Miao
  • 31,551
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0 answers

Is it possible to use Serilog with OpenTelemetry?

Is it possible to use Serilog with OpenTelemetry?
Xavier John
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How to create an OpenTelemetry span from ctx in gRPC server stub

My Go gRPC server is instrumented with Google Tracing span exporter: import texporter "" ... gcp, err := texporter.NewExporter() ... tracer :=…
AhmetB - Google
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How to add an attribute to all outgoing Spans (Java)

If I understand correctly, I should be able to use an opentelemetry Resource to attach custom Attributes to outgoing Spans. I think the syntax should be something like Resource resource = Resource.create(Attributes.builder().put("key",…
2 answers

Opentelemetry with Zipkin exporter is not working as expected. Throws StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception

I am very new to using OpenTelemetry and have just tried configuring it to send traces to my Zipkin server. Unfortunately , after configuring the agent by specifying zipkin exporter details , I could see an exception in the console. I used Petclic…
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