Questions tagged [isql]

The isql utility is a command-line Interactive SQL utility that uses the Adaptive Server Enterprise Open Client API.

isql is a utility that is being provided by Sybase to connect to the Sybase server. The isql utility can be invoked from the Windows command prompt or in Unix machine. The basic command to connect to a Sybase server via the isql utility is as follows -


Once you enter this in the command prompt you will be visited with a blank command screen with a prompt -


You can now enter sql commands and create scripts with isql and execute them.

The isql utility is located at -

$SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/bin on UNIX machines and at C:\SYBASE\OCS-12_0\bin\ folder on Windows system.

Some basic problems that database users find with isql utility is that it provides console mode for working in with Sybase databases which is usually not very handy for many database users especially having experience working in Windows. With many handy GUI IDE's available for working with Sybase servers like ASEISQL(free tool), Embarcadero Rapid SQL, Quest TOAD etc the isql utility is lesser used in normal day work. However the utility has some basic characteristics of its own like a script not terminated by the go token can be easily identified while working with isql than any other IDE as isql does not execute a statement until it finds the delimiter token go at the end of the script.

To understand the isql utility more you can visit the Sybase knowledge center site @ -

Sybase Knowledge Center Link to Sybase ASE 15.0 isql utility

179 questions
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PHP selects in Firebird database always return empty

I'm trying to use Firebird in my PHP application. I already managed to make interbase and Firebird PDO extensions work, and the connection is established without any problems. But when I try to make a simple select into one of the tables (select *…
0 answers

FreeTDS connecton timeout in second attempt

I have installed FreeTDS on my linux. I have created dsn and get connected to mssql server once using isql. But when I close the connection and try to reopen isql using same previous command I have used to connect it does not allow me and showing me…
2 answers

Firebird second instance is not accessible

My requirement is to create a named instance, while there is a default instance running on the same machine and connect to it, through some kind of management console or command line. I created a firebird 2.5 second instance using instsvc install…
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error while creating database in altibase hdb : Invalid Database Name

I'm new to altibase hdb. I was installed altibase hdb with the instructions from here: after using the links guides I was able to start the server well but I could not create…
1 answer

Using FreeTDS and UnixODBC. Able to connect but cannot execute any SQL commands from isql or RODBC

This one is really starting to stump me. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and am trying to connect to a box running MS SQL server 2012. First I'll provide some information on my setup: My freetds.conf: [EXNAME] host = IP port = 1433 tds version…
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not able to run isql on cygwin

When I am trying to run sybase query through isql syntex it is giving below error. Error - "The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!! One or more following problems may caused the failure Your sybase home…
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Sybase TSQL how to select without `-` chars

My question is very simple, I am trying to print a combination of text and numbers, by using the SELECT statement. However, when I try to print text using this method, I get a lot of miscellaneous - chars. How can I use the select statement without…
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1 answer

ISQL command result in: can't open lib '' with unixODBC and Pervasive Client on Ubuntu Linux

I can't figure it out how to connect to a Pervasive DB on a Windows Server machine from an Ubuntu Linux 64bit via ODBC. I installed unixodbc, then 32bit Pervasive Client 11sp2 from here and after moving the tar content to /usr/local/psql and…
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2 answers

Remove white space from isql output

Is there any way to stop isql from adding spacing before and after the returned fields? I just want the values from the table row separated by ,. At the moment, using -b and -s ',', I get: ,some_column_entry , 3213, …
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1 answer

Error "Invalid Locales set !!" when trying to install sqldemo on Informix

I am extremely new to Informix and am having some trouble trying to get sqldemo installed. Set up so far: openSuse 12.1 (32 bit) Informix Growth Edition 11.70 UC6 Informix SQL Developer 7.50 UC6 Informix RDS 7.50 UC6 Informix ID 7.50 UC6 After…
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2 answers

Firebird copy from one database using isql

I've got 2 firebird databases c:\db1.gdb c:\db2.gdb both databases schema's are the same so both contain a table MyTable ------- Id int Name varchar(50) ...etc Its guaranteed that the data is different on both databases, however I need to copy…
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Subtracting a value in a column by average of the same column without using a variable in ISQL

I have 2 tables: Marks (studentnum,marks) Student (SNum, SName) if I do Select SName, marks-avg(marks) from Marks join Student on SNum = studentnum then I only get 1 row returned. Is there a way to return all the list of students' names and the…
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1 answer

unixodb connection with PHP fails

I have installed freetds with unixODBC and when I test the connection with isql it works perfectly but when I try to make the connection with php I get an S1000 error. my configuration details are I have a DSN in my freetds.conf [MYDSN] host =…
0 answers

unixODBC isql set hive config variable

I have a unixODBC connection with hive: isql -v Hive +---------------------------------------+ | Connected! | | | | sql-statement | | help [tablename] …
Doug Fir
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1 answer

Perl SSH to server and execute SQL query

I am doing ssh to the server where sql is been installed using Net::OpenSSH perl module. Connection to the ssh server is happening here. Here is how I am ssh'ing to the server: my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$user:$passwd\@$host"); $ssh->error and…
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