Questions tagged [ironmq]

An easy-to-use, highly-available message queuing service built for distributed cloud applications with critical messaging needs. Provides on-demand message queuing with advanced features and cloud-optimized performance.

From Wikipedia: [modified]

IronMQ is a cloud-based message queuing service provided by It is used for connecting systems via a messaging gateway, buffering webhook events and creating loosely coupled distributed cloud applications.

Some IronMQ features:

  • Implemented via HTTP/REST
  • Supports JSON messages up to 64k in size
  • Guarantees ordered (FIFO) delivery
  • Guarantees once only delivery
  • No delays retrieving messages
  • Supports the Beanstalk'd open source protocol

IronMQ is available on multiple cloud platforms including AWS and Rackspace and provides high availability and message persistence by distributing and replicating components across multiple cloud zones to eliminate single points of failure. Can be used as a message service broker for popular task queues such as Celery and Delayed Job.

Similar/comparable technologies include:

  • RabbitMQ (an implementation of AMQP with on-premise as well as cloud-based implementation such as CloudAMQP)
  • Microsoft's Message Queuing implementation MSMQ
48 questions
2 answers

When to use a message queue and when to use a cloud background-worker

When would I use a message queue like ironMQ and when would i use a job processing worker like ironWorker? I have just started researching into these two topics and I am finding it hard to distinguish between the two uses. I understand a worker is…
0 answers

IronMQ and Laravel linking together

I've got a connection to IronMQ from my Laravel 5.1 project. All credentials I have entered in the config are correct and I am able to send messages to Iron. They are visible on the Dashboard they provide. My question is how do I get those messages…
Hemm K
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1 answer

IronMQ Unicast Push Queue - do they process serially?

Does an IronMQ PUSH Queue set to unicast wait for a response before pushing the next message? For example - if I have a unicast queue, and messages A, B, and C come in...will the subscriber consume A - send 200 response, then get sent B - send 200…
1 answer

How to add IronMQ to my Play! java project?

I am having problems with IronMQ in java. could not find how to get it from maven. so downloaded the jar into my lib folder. then kept getting runtime error. [NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gson/JsonSyntaxException] now i'm stuck on this. waiting…
Or Gal
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3 answers

Confusions about Laravel Queues

I am using Laravel Queues and I am using IronMQ for it. But I have little bit confusion about how this process. I have set my default connection in queue.php as 'default' => 'iron' and also set iron settings in same file. Now I use …
Awais Qarni
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1 answer

How to get number of queued jobs in IronMQ using Laravel 5.1?

Implementing queues & jobs in Laravel 5.1 in my project using IronMQ, I can now send jobs to the IronMQ queue like you see in image bellow : What I want now is to get the current number of messages in queue (number in red box) in the handle…
Zakaria Acharki
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3 answers

Undesired parallel execution of Laravel IronMq Queues

I am trying to set an IronMq queue with Laravel, and I have it working already, but the point is that the behavior is not the desired one. I expect IronMq to wait until a job is complete ($job->delete()) to push a new one, but I found out that it…
1 answer

Iron MQ REST API in Sharepoint Workflow

I am trying to call an Iron MQ Rest API in a sharepoint workflow. Here are the API details : I am not able to find a way to pass request body when using Call HTTP Web Service action in my…
Siv Ragav
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2 answers

IronMQ empty message body from push queue when read from Node.JS / Express.JS

I'm playing with node + express + IronMQ and I'm encountering a little problem. In my express.js POST callback I'm getting {} as request body but I'm sure that the message content is being pushed from my IronMQ message queue. Any hint ?
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2 answers

Is it a good idea to collect data from devices into a message queue?

Let's say you have 1000's of devices all sending data in all the time, would a message queue be a good data collection tool for this data?
Travis Reeder
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1 answer

ironMQ Push queue response

I searched a lot but couldn't found any description on properties of responses that are being sent by REST API ( Almost all properties of responses are self explanatory but some properties needs to be…
Khurram Ilyas
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1 answer

Queue::push() not sending queues to IronMQ

I have a file upload form where an image is being uploaded first to my server and then to Imgur. The upload to Imgur is supposed to be queued. So, once a new file is uploaded, I do a…
Yousof K.
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Celery worker dies after random time with IronMQ

Running Django 1.4.10, Celery 3.1.7, Python 2.7, Kombu 3.0.12, and using django supervisor to run both celery worker and celery beat as a daemon. Using IronMQ as the broker. Everything works fine processing periodic tasks for a number of days, then…
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1 answer

IronMQ push queue subscribers as Heroku workers

IronMQ supports push queues, but the example Heroku push queue subscriber is implemented as a web dyno. This feels awkward, because I need a single Heroku project to use web dynos that serve web requests, and worker dynos that process time-consuming…
Jacob Marble
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0 answers

Simplest way to use Mail::queue with Laravel 5, IronMQ?

I've read other posts on StackOverflow and elsewhere on using Laravel mail and IronMQ, e.g. Using Mail::queue with - they either advocate using Queue::push and Mail::send together, or else say you can use Mail::queue but don't provide…
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