Does an IronMQ PUSH Queue set to unicast wait for a response before pushing the next message? For example - if I have a unicast queue, and messages A, B, and C come in...will the subscriber consume A - send 200 response, then get sent B - send 200 response, and finally get sent C and send the 200 response....

or will the subscriber get A, B, and C as fast as IronMQ can send them (possibly before the subscriber has a chance to send out any responses...if the processing of the messages takes a few seconds)

1 Answers1


IronMQ Push Queues are not serial, it's all in parallel so it does not wait for a response before sending the next message, it will send them out as they come in. There will be a way to set a rate limit in the near future though so you can throttle how fast messages will be pushed.

Update: I just wanted to add that the order that messages are sent to subscribers with "unicast" is random. So if you have a bunch of subscribers, they should get distributed somewhat equally across your subscribers.

Travis Reeder
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  • "There will be a way to set a rate limit in the near future though" has this been implemented? I have not seen any documentation on this on the Iron.io site. Thanks! – Vigs Dec 25 '14 at 04:55
  • Hi @Ronburgundy, not yet, but please vote and subscribe to this card to keep up to date: https://trello.com/c/erpq75UE/24-push-queue-throttling – Travis Reeder Dec 26 '14 at 04:15