Questions tagged [iris-recognition]

Anything related to iris recognition techniques, i.e. those techniques allowing a machine to attest the identity of a human user by analyzing the image of his/her iris. This is usually employed in high security environments as a factor in user authentication.

Anything related to iris recognition techniques, i.e. those techniques allowing a machine to attest the identity of a human user by analyzing the image of his/her iris. This is usually employed in high security environments as a factor in user authentication.

56 questions
2 answers

Biometrics with iris and face recognition

In blog Better Biometrics in Android P they said: "To keep users safe, most apps and devices have an authentication mechanism, or a way to prove that you're you. These mechanisms fall into three categories: knowledge factors, possession factors, and…
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OpenCV: Using Hough Circle Transformation to detect iris

I am newbie to openCV, but I want to create iris recognition program. Although the system with webcam can detect the eyes, it cannot, however, detect the circular iris. I am using the Hough Circle Transformation. But in case iris in an image is not…
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LinearPolar/LogPolar transformation distoring an iris in OpenCV

I'm currently running the following Python (OpenCV 3): out = cv2.linearPolar(self.roi, center, self.iris_radius, cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) Input image: / Result: (source: (source: The problem I'm having is that this creates…
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How to remove some edges after applying edge detection?

I need to find the iris edges, the input images that I use is not a fully rounded iris, sometimes it might be covered by the eyelid. I found a summary of a journal article to find the iris even its covered by the eyelid. However, I stuck in one of…
4 answers

About finding pupil in a video

I am now working on an eye tracking project. In this project I am tracking eyes in a webcam video (resolution if 640X480). I can locate and track the eye in every frame, but I need to locate the pupil. I read a lot of papers and most of them refer…
noname noname
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Payable Invoice Capturing OR extracting automation

I am creating a desktop/winform application that reads tif/pdf payable invoices and extract all the invoice information to store into database. I can read the standard barcodes(QR Code, Code39 etc), and some of the payable invoice' standard…
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Pupil detection in opencv

I am doing iris recognition for my final year project. Now, i was able to detect iris by using Hough circle transform but it is not works on the detection of pupils although i modifies my webcam become IR webcam. have tried to use HSV color to…
Din Hee
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OpenCV Iris Detection C++

Goal: I am trying to acquire the size of the iris (width/radius) using video as input. I have tried HoughCircles but it seems that it is not precise as the iris circle seems to not be so accurate. What information I have already is the center point…
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Iris circle is not detecting properly using openCV2 and python?

i am working on detecting iris from eyes image but i am getting unsatisfactory result. How to detect the exact circle? I have search a lot but unable to find any result. import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img=cv2.imread(r"…
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Why HoughCircles returns 0 circles while trying to detect irises?

I am trying to detect the eyes' irises but HoughCircles returns 0 circles. The input image(eyes) is: Then I made the following things with this image: cvtColor(eyes, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); morphologyEx(gray, gray,…
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Gabor kernel parameters in OpenCV

I must use Gabor filter in my application, but I have no clue about this OpenCV methods parameters values. I want to encoding an iris. Start of Gabor filter and get features (I want to do this for 12 sets of Gabor parameters values). Then I want to…
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How to protect knn model from predicting classes totally out of range?

I have very simple code using knn model to classify irises: from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split data = load_iris() X =…
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Pupil Center is Jumping a Lot in Real Time Eye Tracking

In my eye tracking project, the pupil center is jumping a lot and I don't see it as a fixed point. What should I do? My idea is comparing the pupil center and pupil in 2 frames with a threshold but it doesn't help the problem. Another point is…
2 answers

How to check device compatibility for Iris Scan authentication in android

I am working with Samsung tab Iris scan feature. My requirement is, if current device is supports Iris hardware, then I will go through Iris scan else will use normal way in the application. So, any one can tell me, how to check device compatibility…
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neural network from scratch in python using sigmoid activation

i am new to python,trying to learn machine learning in python.i have tried to write a neural network from scratch with one hidden layer on the famous iris dataset.this is a three class classifier with out put as one hot vectors.i have also taken…
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