Questions tagged [biometrics]

Biometrics is a set of methods related to unique identification of people based on physiological or behavioural traits

Biometric recognition is the process of recognizing a person's identity by analyzing some data derived from their body (physical traits, like fingerprint, iris or face) or behaviour (like gait or, to some extent, voice).

The Wikipedia page on Biometrics has more complete information.

585 questions
5 answers

syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r''

I'm trying to compile the NIST Biometric Image Software, and I have been having trouble all day. I finally got the source checked out right, and I installed cygwin with no problems (I have used it in the past), but when I went to compile, I get this…
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7 answers

How to learn mouse movement?

I've been attempting to develop a means of synthesizing human-like mouse movement in an application of mine for the past few weeks. At the start I used simple techniques like polynomial and spline interpolation, however even with a little noise the…
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8 answers

Determine if biometric hardware is present and the user has enrolled biometrics on Android P

I'm asked to show certain UI elements depending on the presence of biometric hardware. For Android 23-27 I use FingerprintManager#isHardwareDetected() and FingerprintManager#hasEnrolledFingerprints(). Both of which are deprecated in Android 28. I…
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5 answers

Can we test Face ID in simulator?

Can we test biometric authentication using the simulator? The iPhone X Simulator shows a menu for Face ID enrollment, but after enabling that, what can I do? How it will recognize a face for authentication?
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12 answers

Why is Perl used so extensively in biology research?

I work as support staff in a biology research institute as a student, and Perl seems to be used everywhere. Not for every single project, but it seems that more than half the people here have a few Perl books in/on their office/desk. Why is Perl…
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4 answers

LABiometryType in iOS11 always return None

No matter what settings is configured in Device's passcode and touchId settings , LAContext always returns none . It is just throwing me a warning not the exception. Its only working in XCode 9.1 Beta in iOS11.1 beta as suggested :(
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2 answers

iso 19794-2 fingerprint format

I am using iso 19794-2 fingerprint data format. All the data are in the iso 19794-2 format. I have more than hundred thousand fingerprints. I wish to make efficient search to identify the match. Is it possible to construct a binary tree like…
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3 answers

Java Voice Biometric

I want to develop an application based on Voice Biometric Recognition. Specifically, I want to develop an application which will record a voice from the telephone, and identify the speaker. If the same person calls again it will recognize the voice.…
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2 answers

Android BiometricPrompt Compat library

Hi as mention in this post there is BiometricPrompt API for devices supporting Android O and lower but I am unable to find out BiometricPrompt Compat Library (as mention in image), is anyone able to help me to point out where is that support…
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1 answer

BiometricPrompt crashes on Samsung S9 with Face unlock

I am using the new BiometricPrompt API in Android P (API 28) in my application. (I am actually using it inside a wrapper based on this project so that it functions on older devices too, but that is not relevant to the question.) This is working very…
Moshe Katz
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0 answers

Android P FingerprintManager.hasEnrolledFingerprints replacement

As of Android P (API 28) the FingerprintManager API was deprecated and Google suggests we should switch to BiometricPrompt API. However FingerprintManager has a method named hasEnrolledFingerprints that we're currently using to display a prompt to…
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4 answers

Intent to launch fingerprint enrollment screen

How to launch finger print enrollment settings screen(Add fingerprint screen) from my app? After enrolling finger print, is there any way to navigate back to my application? (with startActivityForResult)
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2 answers

What are the correct usage/parameter values for HoughCircles in OpenCV for Iris detection?

I've been reading about the subject but cannot get the idea in "plain English" about the usage and parameters for HoughCircles (specially the ones after CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT). What's an accumulator threshold? Are 100 "votes" a right value? I could find…
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1 answer

KeyGeneration using AndroidX.Biometric fails if only face as biometric is installed

we are currently trying to sign data with biometrics, which we use the androidx.biometric library for. The Problem is, if no Fingerprint ist installed but a face registered we cannot generate any keys. With Fingerprint only or with the combination…
1 answer

Customize biometricPrompt

I have problem with customization biometricPrompt in android devices. I use only authorization with fingerprint, but some devices with android 9.0 (for example Samsung Galaxy S10+) for authorization use fingerprint if allowed but the same with…
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