Questions tagged [iphoto]

iPhoto is an Apple application to view, sort, organize and completely manage one's photos in an iOS device.

iPhoto is an Apple application to view, sort, organize and completely manage one's photos in an iOS device. It provides various features for viewing, categorizing, editing, sharing and controlling the photos in a user-friendly way. iPhoto is a free app, developed and actively maintained by Apple.

64 questions
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find file unique to folder

How do I compare two directories and list files which are unique to one directory and not another? I'm needing to compare two directories and want to find files which are NOT duplicates. Filename is sufficient for this task; I'm not really concerned…
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iphoto-like thumbnail view with jquery

I'd like to create an iphoto-like album thumbnail viewer, just with words, not photos. For example, when you mouseover over a div box, the div box text changes as you incrementally move right with your mouse. Does anyone have an idea about how to…
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how to get name of iphoto album

I'm trying to get at the name of the album with applescript/iphoto. So far I've got this tell application "iPhoto" activate set theEvents to get every album repeat with aEvent in theEvents log name of aEvent end repeat end tell but when it…
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Path to iPhoto library

Is there any way to find the current iPhoto library's path via code?
Alex Molskiy
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iPhone looses png transparency for photos synced with iPhoto

I am making an iphone app that needs the user to give it images with transparency. I was expecting that I could user iPhoto to sync my photos to the iPhone then use the image picker to import the photos into my app. However when I do this I loose…
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iPhoto-like cropping of an image?

I've been struggling over this for several days now and can't crack it. How do I achieve that neat photo cropping you see in iPhoto? I tried using an NSImageView with a semi transparent CALayer allowing me to draw the cropping tool, but that doesn't…
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How to decode GUID in AlbumData.xml (iPhoto)

I tried to parse AlbumData.xml and found strange GUID string value, how to convert it to integer value ? eg : f7hWRm%xSMiYVfEynRpo7g = 4.29497e+09 Thanks in advance
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Script Bridge and iPhoto - lat/lon info is NSInteger only?

I am trying to access the GPS info in iPhoto images using Script Bridge in Obj-C (XCode 4.1, SDK 10.7). Here is a code snippet: iPhotoApplication *iPhoto = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""]; NSArray *selection =…
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how to upload a picture in iphoto to a webserver?

I want to take a photo or pick a picture from iphoto library and then upload it to webserver. Use imagePickerController I can only get a UIImage Object,I can't know it's file path or file type(png,jpg,etc.). I have google for a long time but still…
2 answers

How can I select pictures from iPhoto into my Cocoa application using Applescript / Automator

I have a image editing Cocoa Mac application that takes a few image files (jpeg, png, tiff, gif etc.) as input. I would like to provide the user with a button in my application to get these input image files from iPhoto. I would like a dialog/popup…
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How to extract Geolocation metadata from an Apple Live Photo?

I'm trying to organize my photo collection and convert .mov files to .jpeg files while retaining all of the meta data that has been stored. I'm running into a problem with Apple's "Live Photos" though... I recently downloaded all of the photos…
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On button click how to directly search all iPhoto/photos Libraries available on mac

I am developing an app where on a button click a user can get all iphoto libraries available on mac. By using NSOpenPanel I can manually ask the user to select the library but I want that to happen automatically. Here is the…
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Why do some photos taken with iPhone camera not have stored GPS coordinates?

I have an app that allows a user to upload photos from his camera roll only if the photo has stored GPS coordinates. I was wondering what causes some of these photos- taken on iPhone camera- to not have a stored location. Thanks in advance.
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How to get original image paths within iphotos library mac swift

I am trying to get original file path of images from photos library. By using NSOpenPAnel i am able to get the photos library path i.e file:///Users/betteruse/Pictures/Photos%20Library.photoslibrary I want to traverse the file and retrive the…
1 answer

No thumbnail in iPhoto for images saved with UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum

My application downloads JPEG images from the web and save them to the device using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum. All works fine except for one issue: when I browse iPhone's photo library with iPhoto, some images have no thumbnails -- an empty…
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