Questions tagged [iphoto]

iPhoto is an Apple application to view, sort, organize and completely manage one's photos in an iOS device.

iPhoto is an Apple application to view, sort, organize and completely manage one's photos in an iOS device. It provides various features for viewing, categorizing, editing, sharing and controlling the photos in a user-friendly way. iPhoto is a free app, developed and actively maintained by Apple.

64 questions
2 answers

NSCollectionView with sections - like in iPhoto

I'd like to build a NSCollectionView similar to the one in iPhoto '11. I want to group several pictures in section, and create a section header as well. The section header of a specific section is always visible until the last element of that…
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Read from iPhoto Library programmatically

I want to create an Application that connects to the iPhoto Library. So now I would like to read the Events and the pictures themselves from the library. Is there an elegant / easy way to do this or do I have to manually read the Bundle Structure…
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XPC error when using MLMediaLibrary from command line daemon

I'm writing a command-line daemon to read images from iPhoto. I can init and load an MLMediaLibrary fine from a full-blown Cocoa application, created using the Xcode project creation tools. However, when I try and do the same from a command-line…
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1 answer

How to change directory with spaces in applescript terminal?

I'm new to applescripts and I'm trying to automate a process, but how do you change directory through the script when there are spaces inside the directory? My commands should be correct but a syntax error keeps popping up: Expected “"” but found…
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AppleScript Syntax for iPhoto Automation

I've been looking around via Google for some pointers to get me going on something I need to do in iPhoto via AppleScript, but so far haven't found a whole lot. There are various old discussions of scripts for various old versions of iPhoto…
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3 answers

iPhoto '11 plugins possible to develop?

Can't find any information on iPhoto's plugin development for iPhoto 11. Did Apple abandoned iPhoto SDK effort completely?
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3 answers

Find missing photos from Flickr, Facebook, Instagram and iPhoto

I have almost 6 years of photos spread across the following services: Flickr, Facebook, Instagram and stored in iPhoto. What would be the best way of programmatically figuring out which photos were missing from each of these services? Some ideas I…
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3 answers

iPhoto like NSButton

How can I create a iPhoto like button like in the picture I've tried out several things using round textured buttons or setting the button's image as template. But none of these approaches really works. Thanks so far for your answers. EDIT: The…
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1 answer

Is there a resource to explain how to export photos to a web site, for example like iPhoto to Facebook Export?

I am trying to understand the process of exporting from iPhoto to a web site. This would website would be a content management system. I have already located the iPhoto SDK for Exporting but cannot get my head around how to change the destination…
Mohan Gulati
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1 answer

NSOpenPanel limit selection to iPhoto library

When using NSOpenPanel to open files, I am trying to let the user only select iPhoto libraries. An Aperture library, for example, has the extension .aplibrary. An iPhoto library, however, seems to have no extension. For your information, the…
Bart Jacobs
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0 answers

Possible to view & edit Apple iOS Live Photos on a Windows machine, C#, or other OS?

Is there any way to programmatically view, manage, and edit Apple iOS Live Photos on a Windows-based platform? Any detailed information on the file structure, and how to access it would be appreciated. (Is it simply a MOV or is it an array of still…
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1 answer

How do I perform a flip and grow animation like in iPhoto 09?

I'm developing a Cocoa application and want to be able to click a button in one of the views in my NSCollectionView and have a details view flip open and position to the middle of the screen like it does in iPhoto 09 when you click the "i" in the…
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0 answers

Read images from Photo Stream on OS X?

it's quite easy and normal to use images from Photo Stream with iPhone. I wonder if there's anyway to read images from Photo Stream on OS X? After some googling, I found out the images are actually synced in ~/Library/Application…
Void Main
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1 answer

iOS Create a Unique Identifier for Pictures

I want to import pictures from the photo library on iOS but I want to check that I haven't already done so in the past. What can I use as a unique identifier to check for? What I thought so far are these: Created Date ( This might have a low…
Leonardo Amigoni
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2 answers

iOS: Store new photos using UIImagePickerController NOT in default album

I am using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to store a new photo on the iPhone (code see below). UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, self, @selector(image:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:), nil); This works fine. However I would like to store…
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