Questions tagged [iphone-keypad]

Use this tag for keypad related questions for iPhone devices.

Use this tag for keypad related questions for iPhone devices.

29 questions
8 answers

How to get keyboard with Next, Previous and Done Button?

I want to have a keyboard which has a Next,Previous and Done button on top of it. I have seen that in many apps. Especially where there are forms to be filled. I want to achieve something similar to above keyboard How can I get that?
Parth Bhatt
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8 answers

How to change keyboard background color in iOS?

I would like to know how to change the keyboard background color programmatically in iOS? The background is normally grey but I have already seen black background (behind letters).
Matthieu Lucas
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1 answer

Official way to use the new keyboard click sounds in iOS 10

My app contains a custom control that copies the behaviour of the iOS standard keyboard. I can successfully play the system keyboard click sound with this code: UIDevice.current.playInputClick() On iOS 9 and below there is only one click sound and…
Sebastian Kirsche
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2 answers

How to turn off iPhone keypad for a specified input field on web page

I am using a monthpicker input (similar to jQuery UI datepicker) for a credit card expiration field. I need to suppress the iPhone keypad because it hides the month picker. I have tried setting the field to readonly and it is not an acceptable…
John Vance
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4 answers

Best settings for HTML , for mobile devices

I've been reading many other questions, like these[1][2][3] for example, but the problem still persists. I need to find the "cleanest" way to have a HTML input for mobile devices and which respects all these three rules: suitable mainly for…
4 answers

UITextField - Allow only numbers and punctuation input/keypad

I have tried the code below but that only allows for numbers on the keypad to be inputted. My app requires the keypad to use a period/full stop (for money transactions). The code I tried is: - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField…
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3 answers

How to programmatically set iphone keyboard to show desired key set

I am programming an iPhone app that I want a text field where the user can add numbers from the keyboard and add them on the fly, ie, the user might type "1.5+2.4+6.3+.063" and as the user types additional numbers and plus signs the total is…
Mike Hoover
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4 answers

ios remove keyboard

I have some text edit fields, and also a button to show a uidatepicker.. if I go to the uitextedit, the keyboard appears, but when I click the button, the keyboard is still here... how can I remove it? thanks!
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ios keyboard overlaps the input field focus in wkwebview

i just created a chat application, which has fixed header and footer i have div with position fixed,under input field. when i focus the textbox keypad popup and cover the's not moving to top. I am using the wkWebview and loading…
1 answer

How do I make my iOS app show an Eastern Arabic decimal pad when I tap a UITextView?

I have a UITextView that I created on a XIB with IB. I set the "Keyboard" property to "Decimal Pad", but no matter how I change my iOS preferences it never shows a keypad with Eastern Arabic numerals (٠‎ ١‎ ٢‎ ٣‎ ٤‎ ٥‎ ٦‎ ٧‎ ٨‎ ٩‎). How do I set my…
Robert Atkins
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1 answer

Custom UIKeyboard

Will really appreciate this if you can help me.Want to create a custom Keyboard that is compatible from iOS 3.0 and onwards.When click on the UITextField want to show my own keyboard.UItextfield inputView is being called on iOS > 3.0.
Khalil Ghaus
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Plain textfield text gets cut off after clicking on return key on iOS simulator

One weird thing happens with my code. Everything goes well till i am typing text in the textfield but as soon as I click return key my textfield text gets cut off from bottom. For more information i have attached some screenshots of my iPhone…
Priyanka Kanse
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1 answer

Xamarin.Forms - Custom Logic For Enabling/Disabling iOS "Go" Key?

I'm using Xamarin.Forms to build a login page. For the password field, I've set the Control.ReturnKeyType to UIReturnKeyType.Go ("Go" key). The default behavior is that if any character is entered into the field, the "Go" key is enabled. But I want…
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Javascript/JQuery - Controlling the iOS keypad

Based on my previous post where I attempt to fire off an event before the keypad opens on iOS, I am using the "touchstart" option to fire off an event. Fire Event before 'focus' kicks in / Fire Event before keyboard appears on iOS This works great,…
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Mobile Number Keypad Input with Dashes, Asterick, etc

I thought I had the whole numeric keypad down and tested on ios 7. But I can't get the dashes, decimals or astericks button to appear. Here is the code I thought would work: