Questions tagged [ipfs]

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed/P2P content and identity-addressed hypermedia distribution protocol.

IPFS logo

The InterPlanetary File System is a hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. It enables the creation of completely distributed applications.

IPFS aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open by connecting all computing devices with the same system of files.

Latest release of IPFS is v0.8.0. Read more about the latest release at

IPFS official documentation:

428 questions
2 answers

Retrive JPG image stored on IPFS using Infura API and ipfs-http-client in React

I uploaded a jpg image on ipfs using infura API and ipfs-http-client. The file was taken from input with type=file. The event listner was onchange. // imports const IpfsHttpClient = require("ipfs-http-client"); const ipfsC = IpfsHttpClient({ host:…
Rahul Bera
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How to create a directory and add files to ipfs using js-ipfs with pure javascript only

The only answers I can find in my research cover uploading multiple files from a directory on a PC. That is not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to create a directory in ipfs and then add new files to that directory using js-ipfs with pure…
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IPFS - pubsub connect to peers from browser

I am running an ipfs node in the browser using the following config: const node = new IPFS({ repo: 'ipfs-' + Math.random(), EXPERIMENTAL: { pubsub: true, }, config: { Addresses: { Swarm: [ …
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Is there a way to run an IPFS daemon on heroku?

I have a Django app on Heroku that needs to interact with IPFS. has anyone found a way to run a IPFS daemon? It is needed in order for the python IPFS API to be able to read and write files from IPFS. Google searches for IPFS on Heroku are…
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1 answer

Blockchain/IPFS for data sharing between applications

I am going deploy multiple(30+) applications for multiple customers in different cloud environments (AWS, Azure, google cloud, etc) and let them share data with each other. My plan is to use Blockchain/IPFS sort of technology where each customer…
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1 answer

IPFS resolver for sbt

I am trying to make SBT work with IPFS. I want to publish artifacts to IPFS and then depend on them in another project. In the depending project I am using this SBT resolver: resolvers += "ipfs-iscpif" at…
Ro Re
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1 answer

What's the arrow-function doing in this code?

The code is from the IPFS (Inter-planetary file-system) HTTP API JS implementation: 'use strict' const Wreck = require('wreck') module.exports = (send) => { return function…
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1 answer

How can I create a download link for IPFS-hosted files?

I have been playing around with IPFS a lot recently, and have been wondering how to make a download link for files that gives them a custom name. The standard tag download attribute doesn't work:
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1 answer

Function to mint ERC-token with every nth-number of like

I need help with a function to reward user with erc777-token as soon as his content (Ipfs-Hash, see the program below) hit n-number of likes (lets say every 100th like), i.e., whenever the 'netLike' counter hits 100, it automatically mints one token…
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1 answer

Failed to load PDF file in React js

I am on working on a simple react web app that adds and retrieves files to/from IPFS. When a file is added to IPFS, the name of the added file (i.e Medical file) as well as a "View file " button will appear on the page. When the button is clicked,…
Mo Mo
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1 answer

Is the IPFS content received always encrypted?

I have a newbie question about IPFS content. I can request a content with hash address. Is that is the content returned by the hash address always encrypted? Or the content returned can be either encrypted or plain without encryption and if…
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2 answers

how to start the api gateway when starting a js-ipfs node?

When a js-ipfs node is started programatically using the below code in node.js app, it is launching the swarm, allowing to add files and query them back. // code from the docs: const IPFS =…
Gopalakrishna Palem
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2 answers

IPFS- How to send message from a peer to another?

I am looking for a solution to send a message from an IPFS peer to another in the github doc I found this code that connect a peer to another one : ipfs.swarm.connect(addr, function (err) { if (err) { throw err } // if no err is present,…
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1 answer

How can I uninstall IPFS completely and restart everything from scratch and get a new peer id?

How can I uninstall IPFS completely and restart everything from scratch and get a new peer id? I tried to delete the go-ipfs folder but I can still get Error: ipfs configuration file already exists! when I do ipfs init.
1 answer

How to use IPFS to store application state (as a backend for dApp)?

I am just starting with IPFS and Ethereum. We are building a dApp (mobile) and planning to replace the standard API & DB layer with IPFS and Ethereum. So, after lots of reading I have the following questions, Making dApp directly talk to IPFS (via…
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