Questions tagged [ios6-maps]

Apple's mapping software introduced with IOS6 to replace the existing Google Maps integration.

Apple's mapping software introduced with IOS6 to replace the existing Google Maps integration.

With the release of IOS6, Apple removed the Google Maps app and have replaced it with their own version.

Users should be aware that there are a number of teething problems with the service at the moment.

This is now the default maps app for all IOS devices.

99 questions
12 answers

iOS6 MKMapView using a ton of memory, to the point of crashing the app, anyone else notice this?

Has anyone else, who's using maps in their iOS 6 apps, noticing extremely high memory use to the point of receiving memory warnings over and over to the point of crashing the app? I've ran the app through instruments and I'm not seeing any leaks and…
Jeremy Fox
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4 answers

Occasionally iOS 6 MKMapView crashes in initWithFrame

I've an app on the apple store and after the iOS6 update I've got hundred of crash report within MKMapView. I cannot manage to reproduce the crash on my devices. It looks like a problem with EAGLContext. We don't use OpenGL in our app but we have…
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3 answers

How to deal with inconsistent Chinese maps on iOS 6?

For Chinese maps on iOS 6, it seems that MapKit selects map provider based on your where the device is located. If you're in China it will use AutoNavi maps, and else it will use the default Apple maps. To complicate things, the AutoNavi maps seem…
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4 answers

MapView in iOS6 won't show certain zoom levels at latitude > 75 north

This code sets a default zoom level centered around a specified location in viewDidLoad. The code works fine in previous versions of iOS: CLLocationDistance visibleDistance = 100000; // 100 kilometers MKCoordinateRegion region =…
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2 answers

Google Maps in iOS6

Coming back on this Google Maps support on iOS 6. This is a serious and constructive issue that has to be addressed for a lot of apps developers who already released their Apps on iOS 5 and tied to legal compliance towards Google terms of service…
1 answer

Having trouble with mapkit usertrackingwithheading mode on iOS 6

I think I may have discovered a bug in the mapkit API for iOS 6, but since I still consider myself a rookie I thought I'd check here to see if anyone can point out something I may be doing wrong. I have an app that I've been working on for a few…
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2 answers

Should I be worried about rumors that Apple will stop using Google Maps in iOS6?

Almost every major news media outlet is reporting that Apple will stop using Google Maps services in iOS6. I don't think anyone really knows what exactly the changes are, when they will be rolled out, how Apple will implement them and if Google or…
Semere Taézaz Sium
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1 answer

Google Maps iOS SDK - Search for places

I'm new to both iOS programming & the Google Maps iOS SDK, so apologies if this is a basic question. I want to include a Google map, in an app and give users the ability to search for various places (restaurants, bars, gyms, etc) within a certain…
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4 answers

Current Location doesn't work with Apple Maps IOS 6

Before IOS 6, I was using this URL scheme to open the native maps app and find directions from the users current location to an address that I created." + address + "&saddr=Current+Location This was working…
Ben Doherty
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4 answers

iOS 6 Maps occasional Crash

I'm getting occasionally crash with iOS 6 MapKit. Can't really reproduce it. What can cause this? Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000044 Crashed Thread: 0 Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:…
Olga Dalton
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4 answers

Opening maps with current location and directions in iOS 6

I am building an app that can open the Maps app with directions from the user's current position to another position. The code looks like this: - (id)resolveDirectionsFromCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)startCoordinate…
Daniel Saidi
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4 answers

How can I detect specific iOS version with jquery?

So that mapping links open the maps app like they used to, I want to present a different link depending on whether a user is on iOS 6 or other (iOS 4, 5, Android, whatever). Something like: -- if on iOS 6.0 or higher, show…
Shawn Taylor
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1 answer

Apple maps memory footprint

Did anyone had or have problems with the memory footprint (Live Bytes) when using the new Apple maps in an iPad application? I tested my iPad app with Instruments and it seems the memory allocation jumps to over 70MB when displaying the map (and…
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2 answers

Call Maps for directions from inside your app - iOS5 iOS6

Here is a strange problem: My app should be able to call the built in Maps in iOS (both 5.1 and 6). Turns out that it works just fine under iOS6 but not under iOS5.1. The maps in iOS6 is called and the directions from saddr to daddr is traced but…
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2 answers

What is the URL scheme for the iOS 6.0 maps app?

Previously, within an iOS app you could launch the Maps app from within your application by using the Google Maps URL scheme ( Does anyone know what the new URL scheme for the iOS 6.0 Maps app is? I can't find…
Steve Lobdell
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