Questions tagged [ios-universal-app]

An iOS universal app is an app that can be run both on iPhone, iPhone with retina screen, iPad and iPad with retina screen.

An iOS universal app is an app that can be run both on iPhone, iPhone with retina screen, iPad and iPad with retina screen.

Developer guide for Creating a Universal App

285 questions
1 answer

ActionSheet causing mutliple UIPopovers to show on iPad

I have a universal app and have an action sheet with a few buttons. When I tap the add button (navigationItem.right) I want it to show in a popoever. It does this correctly, however, with the actionSheet tied to the barbutton item, it allows me to…
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Incorrect Interface appears on iOS Device, but not simulator

I have a universal application that works fine on the simulator but when I put it on an actual device (4S and 3rd generation iPad) the View controller interface ("EditNameViewControlleriPhone", ignore the fact iPhone is part of the name) appears…
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Background image for UITableView on iPad

I got settings view in my iOS app which presented by UITableView. This app is universal, so you can run it on iPhone and on iPad. This table should be with custom background. And use this code for setting image for background: table.backgroundColor…
Eugene Trapeznikov
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universal application weight

I developed my app for Ipad, now I should adapt it for Iphone. My app is quite heavy with a lot of images that should be available offline. These images are located in xib files and are sometimes loaded dynamically from app bundle. I need to limit…
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Black screen when loading iPad Storyboard.

So I am working on an app and I had a (crappy) iPhone UI going, but I decided to make it run on my iPad. The problem is that when it loads the iPad storyboard, I get a black screen. I have checked my…
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Strategy for developing Universal IOS application

I have an iPhone application available in appstore. Now i would like to develop Universal version of the same app. The iPad version of the current application will be the same. Just screens will be adapted for iPad size. The behaviour won't be…
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iOS Universal app Default images

In an universal app when I place launch images for iPhone the same is taken for iPad and warning is shown, I have give name like Default.png (iPhone) Default@2x.png (retina) and Default~ipad.png (for iPad). Please help me to fix this issue. Thanks…
2 answers

Universal Apps workflow

So far I've only dealed with iPhone Apps and the time has come to make them universal. I was watching the lecture about universal Apps by Paul Hegarty on iTunesU and some questions poped into my head. If I understood the concep allright the main…
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Xcode application running on Iphone but crashing on Ipad

I made a universal application that contains NIB files for both ipad and iphone UI's. In my view controllers initWithNibName method I call UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad == UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to detect whether the controller is running on iphone or…
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Why does app work on iPhone, not iPad?

I started with an iPhone-only app, which worked fine on both iPhone and iPad (it ran in a small, iPhone-sized window on the iPad... which was fine). Then I selected iPhone/iPad for the Target Device Family, and created a blank…
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Creating Universal UI files

Is there any tutorial available for creating Universal UI which can run on iPad as well as iPhone on different resolution. I tried looking in the official documentation, but couldn't find anything about UI files.
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How to keep plist stored in documents directory in sync between iPhone & iPad for universal app?

I have a setup in which I have a single plist file that I need to be kept in sync between devices for a universal app. At present the plist file is stored in the documents directory. I have been looking around online for ways to keep the file in…
1 answer

How to add a splashscreen for iPhone to a App made from iPad to Universal

I want to add a splashscreen within an App that is an iPad-App currently. I succeeding with using different app icons (both for iPhone and iPad), but the splashscreen. Now called "Default-Portrait~iphone.png" but the splashscreen is not being…
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Universal App, simulator detects ~iphone .xib's but device still displays ipad .xibs

I created an iPad only app and now the client would like me to make it universal. I have created new .xib's, which are automatically detected via the ~iphone suffix and work fine on the simulator. However, when I run it on my iPhone 4s to debug,…
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iPhone OK, but not iPad .. Why?

My app works fine on iphone and ipod touch, but shows a blank screen when I launch it on ipad. When I first created the project I chose the option for builing an iphone/ipad application. But I never really tested on ipad up to now. Any idea why it…
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