Questions tagged [interprocess]

A capability supported by some operating systems that allows one process to communicate with another process. The processes can be running on the same computer or on different computers connected through a network. It enables one application to control another application, and for several applications to share the same data without interfering with one another.

389 questions
6 answers

What's the most efficient node.js inter-process communication library/method?

We have few node.js processes that should be able to pass messages, What's the most efficient way doing that? How about using node_redis pub/sub EDIT: the processes might run on different machines
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12 answers

any good and simple RPC library for inter-process calls?

I need to send a (probably one) simple one-way command from client processes to server process with arguments of builtin C++ types (so serialization is pretty simple). C++, Windows XP+. I'm looking for a library that doesn't require complicated…
Andriy Tylychko
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5 answers

In node.js, how to declare a shared variable that can be initialized by master process and accessed by worker processes?

I want the following During startup, the master process loads a large table from file and saves it into a shared variable. The table has 9 columns and 12 million rows, 432MB in size. The worker processes run HTTP server, accepting real-time queries…
Jacky Lee
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9 answers

What is the easiest way to do inter process communication in C#?

I have two C# applications and I want one of them send two integers to the other one (this doesn't have to be fast since it's invoked only once every few seconds). What's the easiest way to do this? (It doesn't have to be the most elegant one.)
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2 answers

How to start an Android activity from a Unity Application?

I know this seems to be a trivial question but I could not find any concrete answer anywhere on the internet. I saw this very similar question on stackoverflow: How to start Unity application from android activity? but it is exactly opposite from…
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3 answers

When doing IPC using TCP/IP sockets using the loopback address, do common networking stacks skip framing the message in lower-level PDUs?

In some environments such as Java, it's natural to use TCP/IP sockets to pass messages between processes on the same host using the 'localhost' address ( in IPv4, or ::1 in IPv6). (Because Java tends not to expose other IPC mechanisms in…
David Bullock
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5 answers

How can I send an object (or pointer) from C++ .NET application to VB application

I have 2 applications. VB application is written in .NET 3.5. It is pretty big application. I can't rewrite this to C++ for few reasons. Im not sure if that matters, but it is x86 application. C++ application is written in .NET 4.0. It is x64 build…
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4 answers

How to choose a fixed address for shared memory mapping

I would like to use shared memory between several processes, and would like to be able to keep using raw pointers (and stl containers). For this purpose, I am using shared memory mapped at a fixed address: segment = new…
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4 answers

can a python script know that another instance of the same script is running... and then talk to it?

I'd like to prevent multiple instances of the same long-running python command-line script from running at the same time, and I'd like the new instance to be able to send data to the original instance before the new instance commits suicide. How…
Justin Grant
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5 answers

Loop Around File Mapping Kills Performance

I have a circular buffer which is backed with file mapped memory (the buffer is in the size range of 8GB-512GB). I am writing to (8 instances of) this memory in a sequential manner from the beginning to the end at which point it loops around back to…
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7 answers

How to solve "The ChannelDispatcher is unable to open its IChannelListener" error?

I'm trying to communicate between WCF hosted in Windows Service and my service GUI. The problem is when I'm trying to execute OperationContract method I'm getting "The ChannelDispatcher at 'net.tcp://localhost:7771/MyService' with contract(s)…
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2 answers

How much memory should 'managed_shared_memory' allocate? (boost)

I'm looking for a definitive answer (if indeed one exists) on how much memory should be allocated when creating a static chunks of shared memory via boost::interprocess's managed_shared_memory. Even official examples seem to allocate arbitrarily…
Courtney Christensen
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2 answers

Is there a difference between boost iostream mapped file and boost interprocess mapped file?

I want to create a mapped binary file into memory; however I am not sure how to create the file to be mapped into the system. I read the documentation several times and realize there are 2 mapped file implementations, one in iostream and the other…
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1 answer

NamedPipeServerStream.EndWaitForConnection() just hangs when used

I'm trying to use named pipes for the first time. In the MS documentation found here, it states that: EndWaitForConnection must be called exactly once for every call to BeginWaitForConnection. So I'm trying to be a good little programmer and…
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1 answer

How to use named pipes in C# correctly -- several connections, server recreation etc

I need to implement an inter-process communication between C# applications. I decided to use named pipes and wrote the following code: Server while (true) { using (var server = new NamedPipeServerStream("some_pipe")) { …
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