Questions tagged [init]

May refer to Linux Init - the parent of all processes, which primary role is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab. Or abbreviation of initialization - giving variables a "starting" value.

May refer to :

  • Linux Init - the parent of all processes, which primary role is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab.
  • variable init (abbreviation of initialization) - giving variables a "starting" value.
  • python magic __init__ - magic function that initializes an object.
1654 questions
20 answers

How to fix "Attempted relative import in non-package" even with

I'm trying to follow PEP 328, with the following directory structure: pkg/ components/ tests/ In I have the following import statement from…
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11 answers

When is the init() function run?

I've tried to find a precise explanation of what the init() function does in Go. I read what Effective Go says but I was unsure if I understood fully what it said. The exact sentence I am unsure is the following: And finally means finally: init is…
Charlie Parker
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9 answers

In Objective-C why should I check if self = [super init] is not nil?

I have a general question about writing init methods in Objective-C. I see it everywhere (Apple's code, books, open source code, etc.) that an init method should check if self = [super init] is not nil before continuing with initialisation. The…
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4 answers

Can I use to define global variables?

I want to define a constant that should be available in all of the submodules of a package. I've thought that the best place would be in in the file of the root package. But I don't know how to do this. Suppose I have a few subpackages…
Andrei Vajna II
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5 answers

git add all except ignoring files in .gitignore file

I am adding source control to a project that had none. The problem is that there are a lot of files to initially add to git with a .gitignore file, but I can't figure out how to add all files without including the files matching something in the…
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11 answers

How to return a value from __init__ in Python?

I have a class with an __init__ function. How can I return an integer value from this function when an object is created? I wrote a program, where __init__ does command line parsing and I need to have some value set. Is it OK set it in global…
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4 answers

Inheritance and init method in Python

I'm begginer of python. I can't understand inheritance and __init__(). class Num: def __init__(self,num): self.n1 = num class Num2(Num): def show(self): print self.n1 mynumber = Num2(8) RESULT: 8 This is…
Yugo Kamo
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3 answers

What is the use of the init() usage in JavaScript?

What is the meaning and usage of the init() function in JavaScript?
David S.
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2 answers

Objective-C: init vs initialize

In Objective-C, what is the difference between the init method (i.e. the designated initializer for a class) and the initialize method? What initialization code should be put in each?
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7 answers

Python: Inherit the superclass __init__

I have a base class with a lot of __init__ arguments: class BaseClass(object): def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, e, f, ...): self._a=a+b self._b=b if b else a ... All the inheriting classes should run __init__ method of the…
Adam Matan
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3 answers

What is the difference between [Class new] and [[Class alloc] init] in iOS?

Possible Duplicate: alloc, init, and new in Objective-C I am a little confused about [Class new] and [[Class alloc] init]. I have defined an object content using [Class new] and [[Class alloc] init]. (1). NSMutableArray *content =…
Prasad G
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8 answers

Guice call init method after instantinating an object

Is it possible to tell Guice to call some method (i.e. init()) after instantinating an object of given type? I look for functionality similar to @PostConstruct annotation in EJB 3.
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12 answers

git add . -> still "nothing to commit" with new files

I am struggling with Git, I can't seem to add my files. I ran ls to show that the files are in the current directory, then ran git add . then git status which showed "nothing to commit". JJ-Computer:first_app JJ$ git init Reinitialized existing…
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5 answers

Is there any reason to choose __new__ over __init__ when defining a metaclass?

I've always set up metaclasses something like this: class SomeMetaClass(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict): #do stuff here But I just came across a metaclass that was defined like this: class SomeMetaClass(type): def…
Jason Baker
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1 answer

How critical is dumb-init for Docker?

I hope that this question will not be marked as primarily opinion-based, but that there is an objective answer to it. I have read Introducing dumb-init, an init system for Docker containers, which extensively describes why and how to use dumb-init.…
Golo Roden
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