Questions tagged [infrastructure]

333 questions
1 answer

Running Django migrations in a multi-container Docker setup

Is it safe to allow multiple instances of a Django application to run the same database migration at the same time? Scenario description This is a setup where a multiple instances of a Django application are running behind a load balancer. When an…
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AWS Spot Instance Availability Zones

I'm trying to run an AWS Instance for as cheap as possible and I can see from the pricing history that in availability zone us-east-1d the current price is at $0.25 but in us-east-1a the price is $9.60. I put in a request for $0.3 and it's saying…
4 answers

Best way of using Scrum and Sprint for Infrastructure improvement

Does anybody use Scrum & Sprint for Infrastructure. I'm struggling with the concept of a Sprint that never finishes i.e. a Network enhancement project. Also any suggestions on how Item time can be built up to a Product Backlog, so that I can sanity…
James Hogbin
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3 answers

Are RESTful Web services right way for re-using infrastructure?

There is one controversy I see in using Web APIs (RESTful service) to access remote infrastracture. I would be grateful, if you could comment it. The recommendation coming from the article "RESTful Web Services vs. "Big" Web Services: Making the…
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Is there any data on how fast Azure VM local drives are?

I'm experimenting with OnStart() in my Azure role using "small" instances. Turns out it takes about two minutes to unpack a 400 megabytes ZIP file that is located in "local storage" on drive D into a folder on drive E. I though maybe I should do it…
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1 answer

what is going on inside of Nutch 2?

I eager to know (and have to know) about the nutch and its algorithms (because it relates to my project) that it uses to fetch,classify,...(generally Crawling). I read this material but its a little hard to understand. Is there anyone who can…
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Can you create your own EC2 autoscaling triggers?

When using an auto-scaling group on EC2 the documentation says you can trigger new servers to come up based on cloudwatch metrics. Is it possible to launch new instances on your own? For example an app has an internal queue of items and once that…
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8 answers

Infrastructure for a software project

I'd be leading a new project soon. And I've been pondering over what are the basic infrastructure for a software project. These are the stuff that I think every project should have: -Coding style conventions -Naming conventions -Standard project…
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Django: how to serve user-submitted images & thumbnails from separate, multiple servers?

For my Django site, I'd like to: Accept images submitted by users Generate thumbnails from those images Put both the original images and the thumbnails onto separate, multiple servers that are dedicated to serving images I need multiple, separate…
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2 answers

Set DigitalOcean project in Terraform script

I have terraform script for deploying and provisioning DigitalOcean droplets and I wanna specify custom DO project for this instances instead of default one. I couldn't find any references for project attribute in the documentation for…
Dmitry T.
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1 answer

'Not a valid output for module' when using output variable with terraform

I'm trying to setup some IaC for a new project using Hashicorp Terraform on AWS. I'm using modules because I want to be able to reuse stuff across multiple environments (staging, prod, dev, etc.) I'm struggling to understand where I have to set an…
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3 answers

If a site has 2 load balancers for redundancy reason, which one should the DNS points to?

If I simply point to both in my DNS record, wouldn't 50% of traffic be in trouble as well?
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1 answer

What are the advantages and the pitfalls of specialized rails hosting services?

Hope my question does not pose as too wide. So I try to frame my question not to get too similar answers to the question of this question. Currently I have deploy my rails application on Linode. The service works fine, the price is reasonable. But…
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4 answers

What is the difference between signing Certificate and Encryption Certificate?

What is the difference between between signing certificate and encryption certificate? I see that signing certificate cannot be used for encrypting the data only encryption certificate. What is the technical difference? Does both have public key and…
M Raji
4 answers

Scaling for TYPO3 site

I'm asked by a customer to deliver a TYPO3 based website with the following parameters: - small amount of content (about 50 pages) - very little change frequency - average availabilty about 95%/day - 20% of pages are restricted, only available after…
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