Questions tagged [infrastructure]

333 questions
4 answers

How to set up SSL in a load balanced environment?

Here is our current infrastructure: 2 web servers behind a shared load balancer dns is pointing to the load balancer web app is done in, with wcf services My question is how to set up the SSL certificate to support https connection. Here…
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How do I access a private Docker registry with a self signed certificate using Kubernetes?

Currently, running a private Docker registry (Artifactory) on an internal network that uses a self signed certificate for authentication. When Kubernetes starts up a new node, it is unable to auth with the private Docker registry because this new…
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Terraform with existing production resources

I’m new to Terraform, I’d like to eventually have a Terraform template of my production resources so I can easily deploy to multi-regions and for disaster recovery. How can I do this if my resources on AWS (EC2, S3,VPC, etc) are already deployed?
J. Thomas
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Ideal terraform workspace project structure

I'd like to setup Terraform to manage dev/stage/prod environments. The infrastructure is the same in all environments, but there are differences in the variables in every environment. What does an ideal Terraform project structure look like now that…
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Benefits and Hindrances of Regular Server Reboots

In the ears of working in multiple teams, I've met multiple infrastructure managers that instituted a policy of weekly server reboots. As a developer, I was always against the policy - it seems that this is a hack to work around software bugs and…
Timur Fanshteyn
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Ansible - Automation remote or local?

If running an automation tool like Ansible to build your infrastructure stack in the cloud (e.g. AWS), is it enough to have your automation tool and build stack in separate regions/VPCs in the cloud, or does it make more sense to have your…
2 answers

What is the minimum set of types required to compile `async` code?

Out of curiosity, I'm trying to get some simple async/await code to compile under .NET 3.5 Client Profile: async void AwaitFoo() { await new Foo(); } class Foo { public IFooAwaiter GetAwaiter() { … } } interface IFooAwaiter :…
stakx - no longer contributing
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1 answer

atomic hadoop fs move

While building an infrastructure for one of my current projects I've faced the problem of replacement of already existing HDFS files. More precisely, I want to do the following: We have a few machines (log-servers) which are continuously generating…
Mikhail Shevelev
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10 answers

What's most important when you need to establish a software development infrastructure in your company?

Let's say you work for a huge company which suddenly decides to do custom in-house software development. Additionally, they want to be able to offer successful developments to their customers as well (if any). Now you are in charge of it. What would…
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1 answer

Verbose cmake: How to get more diagnostics?

I am getting some strange error from cmake : loading initial cache file ../../Tweaks/compiler-rt/arm.txt -- Performing Test COMPILER_RT_HAS_FPIE_FLAG CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:2 (set): Syntax error in cmake code at …
Serge Rogatch
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3 answers

DDD with .NET - Is there common infrastructure library available?

We're starting a web application using DDD and CQRS (using the ncqrs framework) and before we get started writing our own infrastructure class library, i wanted to see if any are already available. I'd think at least some basic interfaces and…
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How do VoIP services connect to landlines?

How do VoIP services, such as Skype and Yahoo, connect to landlines? We have a server connected to a landline using asterisk, so I'm thinking this server will bridge our VoIP conversation and connect it to a landline. But if this is the case,…
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Multiple web-sockets in a front-end application

This is a "design" or a "best-practices" theoretical question. Most commonly web apps that use websocket connections use at most one websocket connection. However, there are no limitations for a web app to use more e.g. 10. More websocket…
Laimonas Sutkus
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1 answer

Does a simple monolith application need kubernetes to manage

I'm very new to the infrastructure so I built a simple monolith application and I use docker for building a container and deploy it on my linux server. My question is, do I need to install kubernetes for a single container and if no how can I scale…
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4 answers

Best way to organize a subversion repository of many small projects

To start out, I have looked at the following pages and don't quite have my answer: how-would-you-organize-a-subversion-repository-for-in-house-software-projects and how-do-you-organize-your-version-control-repository I have also looked at chapter 8…
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