Questions tagged [inform7]

Inform 7 is the seventh release of Inform, a language and IDE designed for creating Interactive Fiction.

Inform 7 is the seventh release of Inform, a language and IDE designed for creating Interactive Fiction.

Initial help

  • New to Inform - need information on what Inform is, or how to get it? Try the official Inform 7 website.


Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural English language. It is a combination of a language, an IDE and a compiler. Inform compiles user code files down to machine independent "story files" that can then be utilized by machine specific interpreters, generally to play text-based games.

67 questions
2 answers

Need help Creating new objects in inform7

Very new to Inform7 and it's style. I have looked through the provided docs and some internet browsing has yielded nothing for me... this is a simplistic version of what i'm looking for. I want to write something like this: breakroom is a room. "A…
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Modeling discussion topics in Inform 7

I'm trying to make it so that a player can ASK [PERSON] ABOUT [TOPIC], TELL [PERSON] ABOUT [TOPIC], or THINK ABOUT [TOPIC] in Inform 7. I started like this for modeling THINK ABOUT [TOPIC]: A topic is a kind of thing. A topic is either known or…
Robert J. Walker
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3 answers

How can I read a line of input in Inform 7?

I just want to prompt the user for a line of text in the middle of an action. The effect should be like this: > north The robot steps in front of you as you approach the gate. "PAASSWAAAAWRD!!" it bellows. Enter the password: _ At this point the…
Jason Orendorff
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1 answer

Inform 7: Pick up thing based on if specific thing is in inventory

I'm making an adventure with Inform 7. In the adventure, you can pick up a chip. I want to be able to pick up a thing called a pocket computer if you have the chip in your inventory. To put it in a possible inform sentence: If chip is in the…
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How can I handle arbitrary text as "nouns" in Inform 7?

In Inform, I'd like to be able to create a new action, and have it be able to work on aribitrary text. I can easily create a new action that will work on existing things. Finding is an action with past participle found, applying to one…
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How do I make both "inside" and "south" go through a door in Inform 7?

Suppose we have: The storm door is a closed door. It is south of the Garden and north of the Shed. The following commands all work fine to go through the door from the Garden: south s go through storm door go through enter door However go in…
Jason Orendorff
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1 answer

In inform 7, why isn't this complex statement working as a text substitution?

Here's a code snippet to show what I have currently in my source code: A morph is a kind of thing. A morph has some text called animal name. A serum is a kind of thing. Revelation relates one serum to one morph. The verb to reveal (he reveals, he…
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In Inform 7, is it possible to use a second noun construct with "pull"?

I'll eat my hat if I get a good answer to this...I suspect that although I'm a rank beginner in Inform 7, and I'm guessing this isn't that hard, there are probably not many people here who are familiar with Inform 7. Still, nothing ventured... I'm…
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It's possible i18n with Inform 7

If i want my story to be playable in diverse languages, is there any way of "extracting" the text from the story in order to translate it to languages other than english ? What i am thinking of would be something like the properties files in java…
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Inform7: how do I make an actor to examine something after I give it to them

I am trying to make an actor examine something after the player character give it to them. If I say something like: After giving a book to Tom: try Tom examining the book. It seems as though the entire thing is just completely ignored. I give the…
2 answers

Printing room descriptions "after going" rule in Inform 7

I have the following code: After going to room1: if button1 is switched on: say "You hear a loud noise in the distance!"; Unfortunately this prevents the room description from printing. If I add "continue the action;" at the end, then…
1 answer

Default to [fixed letter spacing], Inform 7 (6L38)

Prior to build 6L38, I was able to get ~90% of the text produced to default to fixed letter spacing, by starting the source off with When play begins: say fixed letter spacing. This resulted in the majority of the text defaulting to monospace. Now…
1 answer

Checking room type and player state before entering room in Inform 7

In this game rooms are private or public, and the player has two states, A or B. Th player can only enter a public room while in state A, but not state B. This is what the desired effect is, but after typing this: A person can be A or B. A person is…
1 answer

How to trigger a rule on entering a room in inform7

I'm trying to trigger the end of the game if the player enters a room with an object (their phone) "charged". I must just not understand the syntax for triggering a rule on entering a location, as I realized that my other similar rules are also not…
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1 answer

Drop all of a kind of thing

I would like the player to be able to drop all of a kind of thing. e.g. piece is a kind of thing. Pawn is a kind of piece. Rook is a kind of piece. The player carries 8 pawns. The player carries 2 rooks. Now if: >drop all rooks Rook: Dropped. …
Richard Hoskins
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