Questions tagged [inform7]

Inform 7 is the seventh release of Inform, a language and IDE designed for creating Interactive Fiction.

Inform 7 is the seventh release of Inform, a language and IDE designed for creating Interactive Fiction.

Initial help

  • New to Inform - need information on what Inform is, or how to get it? Try the official Inform 7 website.


Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural English language. It is a combination of a language, an IDE and a compiler. Inform compiles user code files down to machine independent "story files" that can then be utilized by machine specific interpreters, generally to play text-based games.

67 questions
1 answer

How do I end the story when score 100 reached? inform 7

This code isn't working for me: if score is 100: end the story saying "Congratulations you have achieved a perfect score!".
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How do I get inside a room with locked door in inform 7?

I am new to inform 7 and I am very simply trying to have a locked door in a room and unlock it, which I have done, but now I need to be able to enter a room on the other side of this door. This is the part I need to fix: The Castle Door is a door in…
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Prevent automatically entering the room on startup

I want to give the player a chance to select a few options on game startup, such as their name. The only problem is that the game insists on putting the player into the first room immediately and print the room name and description. That's not…
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Is there another way to write tables in Inform 7?

Inform 7 tables are written using "tab separated values". Whenever a table contains text, it ends up looking like this: Table of Aristotelian Questions name difficulty text explanation follow-up the opposite question easy "WHAT IS THE…
Jason Orendorff
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If statement won't work in Inform 7

The toggle is a device. The toggle is switched on. If the toggle is switched on: say "Hi there.". The third line shows an error about punctuation, saying the phrase doesn't make sense. How is the punctuation wrong, it seems completely fine?
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0 answers

converting inform7 table to javascript

I am trying to port an interactive fiction game from inform7 to javascript. A lot of the syntax is easily converted into javascript; some of it can even be optimized after conversion. But the 'Table' feature does not exist natively in javascript,…
1 answer

Global visibility of another person in Inform7?

In a segment of a project I am working on for college, it is asked that one is able to steer another person using a kind of a walkie-talkie. However this requires some kind of global access to the person one should be able to control like that. One…
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Synonyms in rules in Inform7 will not change?

To make code more readable in a current Inform7 project that contains special doors, I decided to create kinds of doors and things that are parts of the doors to backtrack which doors to open and close. Background: A door can only be opened if it…
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Inform 7 [the noun] in description of location

I'm trying to put "stranger man" instead [the noun]. In this piece of code: Rule for listing nondescript items: do nothing. A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The ladder is a staircase. The…
1 answer

Inform7: Z-Code vs. Glulx

right now I'm developing my first game and I am using Inform (1.2 6.31/6H98). I have to use this Version because of the GerX Extension. I'm using Z-Code and it works in Inform, in any Client and in any Browser. But now I'm getting to the point at…
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Input is gone after Game asks something on Parchment Parser

Currently working on my first text adventure on Inform7, I ran into a bug when you play the game within a browser using the parchment parser. The part in which the error occurs is: Calling is an action applying to one topic. Understand "call…
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Nested If-Conditions in Inform7

I am implementing a phone in Inform7 without any extension. Calling is an action applying to one topic. Understand "Call [text]" or "[text] call" as calling. Carry out Calling: if the topic understood matches "Melissa": say "You are…
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How to define a list in Inform7

I am trying to define a list in Inform7 but it won't work. Contacts is a list {"Melissa", "Paul"}; That does not work. Can you tell me how to define a list to which elements can be added?
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How do I show the available Rooms in Inform7

I'm working on my first text adventure in Inform7 and it drives me crazy. I defined three rooms as following: The house is a region. The bedroom and the bathroom and the kitchen are in the house. The bathroom is north of the bedroom. The kitchen…
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Inform 7 error using If player consents

I'm trying to write a piece of interactive fiction using inform 7, I want to put a choice in there for the player and I want a simple yes or no I used the following code: if the player consents say "You get a better view of the…