Questions tagged [image-load]

47 questions
1 answer

Image Loader Bitmap Cache

I show the image in android apps with image loader that image stores in local cache in bitmap. In certain device, the image has clipped and show only 30-50% but if apps uninstall and install again, the image show full and not clipped. In other…
1 answer

Release memory of Image Loader on android

I use ImageLoader to get images and show progress bar till image is been downloaded. This class is used by the ArrayAdapter to load images on to a GridView. I want to know how to release image memory when the fragment that loads this gridview has…
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Check image is loaded when source set by js?

How could i check that image is loaded when i am set image source from jquery. i want change image on mouse over and due large image size its taking time to loading so want to show loading image until it loads. Here is my code snippet: timer =…
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Add an Image from url into InfoWindowAdapter

I'm trying to display an image from a URL in an InfoWindowAdapter, but it does not show me the image. I'm using Volley to load images. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem? Thanks for your help!
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Add Spinning progress for ImageView in Android

I have an ImageView in which i want to show ProgressBar while loading the image from URL. To load image i am using VolleyPlus library. Here is the code to load image: DiskLruBasedCache.ImageCacheParams cacheParams = new…
Vikash Parajuli
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2 answers

jQuery's Event for "all images loaded" after dom is modified

I have a mobile page where the contents (of pages) will loaded via ajax. Im using iScroll and i have to reinitialize it, when the content will refreshed. iScroll needs the height of the tag. And when the loaded content has to many images, i have a…
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jquery slideshow load half images or does not load atall on slow internet connection

I read few articles here but either i did not find relevant or i did not understand due lack of javascript/jquery language. Here is a description of my problem and need some help here. My homepage opens just fine on a good internet connection. It…
1 answer

Python Image.load() returning pixels greater than 250

I am loading my Image file using"image.tif"). Then i am using Image.load() to generate a pixelMap of the image. Then i am storing each pixel into an array. The following code describes this process. Then I want to create the ascii value…
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System.IO.FileNotFoundException in debug but not with exe

I'll try to be simple and quick I'm developing a program, a windows form actually. I have a pictureBox and in the following line, when I run in debug mode(note that), I get an System.IO.FileNotFoundException exception: pictureBox1->Image =…
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Detect image rendering in email

I know that services like SendGrid already have built-in plugins for this. But I want to build my own, custom, module for this. Reason why I am doing this is my application uses several different smtp servers specified by user. Is it even feasible…
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How do you load a bmp file from external local files?

In AS3 adobe Flash : How do you load a bmp (not jpg or png) files from external local files (example: my_application_path/mybmpfiles/hello.bmp), as long as I tried it's always failed, but not error for jpg files (using loader class) ? The error said…
goggle pink
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sending requests for images synchronously with jquery

I am having a page where I get feed from youtube and then display this on this page. There are 3 rows each of 4 images each corresponding to youtube videos. I get these image links from youtube feed itself. What I want to achieve is while rendering…
1 answer

Android: Load image on launch from URL

I am a learner and have been working on a home visitor app to get image from a URL of the visitor. Using the following code, which I found online, I was able to load image by adding an intent before the screen and adding a button on the screen…
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my imageloder not change in imageview image if new image same name

below is my imageloader code which work fine if new image are diffrent name but if new image are same name then is not change images show old image only suppose i have image name myimage is display perfectly if i add new image in url with same name…
4 answers

How to show the loader image until the page data loads?

I'm a newbie to the concept of displaying loaded image until the data loads. The time to load the data is too much so till then I want to display the loader image. Can anyone help me in this regard? For your reference I'm putting below the code from…
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