Questions tagged [ibm-cloud]

IBM® Cloud platform (formerly Bluemix) combines platform as a service (PaaS) with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to build, run, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. Additionally, the IBM Cloud platform has a rich catalog of cloud services that can be easily integrated with your applications. Supported programming languages and runtimes include Java, Node.js, Swift, Go, PHP, Python, and Ruby, and other languages.

IBM Cloud platform is based on open source technology. In addition to using IBM Cloud platform to build Web applications for multiple frameworks - including iOS - you can create Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters, or launch virtual server instances. IBM Cloud platform follows a Hybrid Cloud model meaning that the apps, containers, and VMs that you use with the platform are portable across public, dedicated, and on-premises clouds.

The IBM Cloud platform console provides application boilerplates to help you get started. The IBM Cloud platform console offers a growing catalog of over 100 services to build applications.

Service categories

  • Compute: Obtain access to bare metal and virtual servers
  • Storage: Store unstructured data in the cloud
  • Network: Secure VPN connections, orchestrate load balancing, and use other network services
  • Security: Configure firewalls and secure connections
  • Containers: Deploy Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters and use Docker-based containers
  • VMware: Integrate VMware solutions
  • Boilerplates: Use templates to help you get started with various services
  • APIs: Create, manage, enforce, and run APIs
  • Application Services: Deliver applications that include business rules, automation, an application server, and more
  • Blockchain: Integrate the IBM Blockchain technology in your environment
  • Cloud Foundry Apps: Choose from multiple runtimes including Liberty for Java, SDK for Node.js, and Swift
  • Data & Analytics: Select from a variety of database options, including Compose, and incorporate big data analytics
  • DevOps: Go from application development to deployment with continuous delivery, auto-scaling, globalization, and alert notifications
  • Finance: Manage your investments and finances
  • Functions: Execute serverless event-driven programming (IBM Cloud Functions)
  • Integrate: Access API management, product insights, secure gateway functionality
  • Internet of Things: Manage connected devices using IoT foundation and IoT for electronics
  • Mobile: Integrate push notifications, testing, tuning, and analytics for mobile applications
  • Watson: Add cognitive abilities to applications

When asking questions about the IBM Cloud platform, you should:

  • Ensure you are asking a technical question about using the IBM Cloud platform or services. (For questions about your account or IBM Cloud platform offerings, ask at IBM developerWorks Answers or open a support ticket.)
  • Search Stack Overflow to see if somebody else has already asked the same question.
  • Explain what you were trying to do when you encountered the problem. What software versions were you using? Is there anything else about your environment that could lead to the problem?
  • Provide code samples where possible. Isolate the problem and reproduce it with as little code as possible.
  • Include the tag, plus an additional tag to indicate the service or technology in question.

Getting support for the IBM Cloud platform

  • Ask technical questions on Stack Overflow about programming and deploying applications using the IBM Cloud platform and services. The IBM Cloud platform Development and Support teams monitor Stack Overflow closely.
  • Ask non-technical questions about the IBM Cloud platform offerings at IBM developerWorks Answers. It’s also the best place to ask questions about getting started with the platform.
  • Open a support ticket to get answers to your issue especially if you cannot find the answer in the forums. See Getting Customer Support for details on contacting Support and opening tickets.

Helpful links

6524 questions
1 answer

Bluemix CLI dev plugin not available

Trying to install bluemix CLI plugin for dev , but it keeps failing on mac bluemix plugin install dev -r Bluemix the error seen is FAILED. Unable to download the plug-in binary from the URL…
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Request and response format for IBM cloud storage object S3 API

I need information related request and response format for IBM cloud storage object S3 API.I have been searching through API doc and come across that it is only supporting XML response format.Question is, does it support Json format response? if…
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How do I get bluemix logs to include stacktraces?

Our code simply uses java.util.logging to log info, errors etc. I can then view these logs in multiple ways: cf logs command bluemix web console (log aggregator) kibana web ui ssh and cat /home/vcap/logs/messages.log If I log a message, it shows…
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Unable to deploy java chain code which is provided by IBM Bluemix

Request from restclient: POST http://localhost:7050/chaincode Request: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "deploy", "params": { "type": 1, "chaincodeID":{ "name": "raja" }, "ctorMsg": { …
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How to get details CAM logs

Sometimes the logs tab is empty and the instance creations fails bringing it to error state. How can i debug what went wrong and where? I am using Bluemix GUI to copy paste the terraform template.
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Save image file to IBM Bluemix Node.js application

I have a Node.js application on IBM Bluemix. I need to let the user upload a image. In my localhost, the image is save into the folder, no problems... But when I do the same in production, the file isn't save to the server corresponding…
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IBM Container deployment failure

Attempting to deploy a docker container to Bluemix. Installed the container service plugin, able to login to, however when running bluemix ic init the following error is given: { "code": "IC5097E", "description":…
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Is this JSON oddball ? - SwiftyJSON

I got the unusual json (actually from IBM Bluemix), shown below, Thank goodness, trusty and heartwarming SwiftyJSON was able to get the values, like this... let mauves = json["blue"][0]["brown"][0]["mauve"] However, notice there are weird sort of…
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Is there a way to have a shared (temp) folder between apps or multiple instances of apps on Bluemix?

I am running a Rails app on Bluemix and want to use carrierwave for file uploads. So far no problem as I am using external storage to persist the files (ftp, s3, webdav etc.). However, in order to keep performance well I need to enable caching with…
3 answers

How I can see every block size of Blockchain in IBM Bluemix?

When I am deploying my smartcontract and doing some transactions, I can see the transaction details like hash, time stamp etc. But I want to know much size are occupying by every block in the IBM Bluemix?
S. Biswas
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1 answer

Webhook URL - Facebook integration of an IBM Watson app

I'm a beginner in IBM environment. I'm working on a Watson Conversation chatbot developed in the IBM Bluemix environment. My IBM app is synchronized with a Github repository through the IBM toolchain service. My app and my chatbot work in the web…
1 answer

Connect SpringBoot to MySQL hosted in the cloud requires SSL

I am successful using MySQL Workbench to do full crud on a Bluemix hosted MySQL Compose service. I then built a simple Microservice with SpringBoot on my local laptop with Apache Derby... successful. My next step was to use the MySQL Compose hosted…
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1 answer

Data Science Experience responds with an empty Hive table

From my Data Science Experience, I am able to make a connection to the Hive database in BigInsights and read the table schema. But Data Science Experience does not seem to be able to read the table contents as I get a count of zero! Here are some of…
1 answer

How to omit fields in nested objects in Cloudant Query result?

I've googled and tried the hell out of this, and it seems like it's just not possible. Maybe (hopefully) someone knows better :D So I have a Cloudant database running on Bluemix, which I'm both very new to. Queries, indexes, views... struggling a…
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1 answer

How to define connection resource in terraform with key inline

I am using the connection resource in terraform template connection { user = "ubuntu" private_key = "${file("test.pem")}" agent = "false" timeout = "30s" } Instead of reading the key from the file I know we can…
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