Questions tagged [ibm-cloud]

IBM® Cloud platform (formerly Bluemix) combines platform as a service (PaaS) with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to build, run, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. Additionally, the IBM Cloud platform has a rich catalog of cloud services that can be easily integrated with your applications. Supported programming languages and runtimes include Java, Node.js, Swift, Go, PHP, Python, and Ruby, and other languages.

IBM Cloud platform is based on open source technology. In addition to using IBM Cloud platform to build Web applications for multiple frameworks - including iOS - you can create Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters, or launch virtual server instances. IBM Cloud platform follows a Hybrid Cloud model meaning that the apps, containers, and VMs that you use with the platform are portable across public, dedicated, and on-premises clouds.

The IBM Cloud platform console provides application boilerplates to help you get started. The IBM Cloud platform console offers a growing catalog of over 100 services to build applications.

Service categories

  • Compute: Obtain access to bare metal and virtual servers
  • Storage: Store unstructured data in the cloud
  • Network: Secure VPN connections, orchestrate load balancing, and use other network services
  • Security: Configure firewalls and secure connections
  • Containers: Deploy Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters and use Docker-based containers
  • VMware: Integrate VMware solutions
  • Boilerplates: Use templates to help you get started with various services
  • APIs: Create, manage, enforce, and run APIs
  • Application Services: Deliver applications that include business rules, automation, an application server, and more
  • Blockchain: Integrate the IBM Blockchain technology in your environment
  • Cloud Foundry Apps: Choose from multiple runtimes including Liberty for Java, SDK for Node.js, and Swift
  • Data & Analytics: Select from a variety of database options, including Compose, and incorporate big data analytics
  • DevOps: Go from application development to deployment with continuous delivery, auto-scaling, globalization, and alert notifications
  • Finance: Manage your investments and finances
  • Functions: Execute serverless event-driven programming (IBM Cloud Functions)
  • Integrate: Access API management, product insights, secure gateway functionality
  • Internet of Things: Manage connected devices using IoT foundation and IoT for electronics
  • Mobile: Integrate push notifications, testing, tuning, and analytics for mobile applications
  • Watson: Add cognitive abilities to applications

When asking questions about the IBM Cloud platform, you should:

  • Ensure you are asking a technical question about using the IBM Cloud platform or services. (For questions about your account or IBM Cloud platform offerings, ask at IBM developerWorks Answers or open a support ticket.)
  • Search Stack Overflow to see if somebody else has already asked the same question.
  • Explain what you were trying to do when you encountered the problem. What software versions were you using? Is there anything else about your environment that could lead to the problem?
  • Provide code samples where possible. Isolate the problem and reproduce it with as little code as possible.
  • Include the tag, plus an additional tag to indicate the service or technology in question.

Getting support for the IBM Cloud platform

  • Ask technical questions on Stack Overflow about programming and deploying applications using the IBM Cloud platform and services. The IBM Cloud platform Development and Support teams monitor Stack Overflow closely.
  • Ask non-technical questions about the IBM Cloud platform offerings at IBM developerWorks Answers. It’s also the best place to ask questions about getting started with the platform.
  • Open a support ticket to get answers to your issue especially if you cannot find the answer in the forums. See Getting Customer Support for details on contacting Support and opening tickets.

Helpful links

6524 questions
2 answers

How to use CF client with user token E2E

I want to use the go-cfclient library to connect to Cloud Foundry and check for application services etc. I was able to connect with Java/Node/Go while using my user password explicit in the code. Now I want to simulate a scenario using a token,…
1 answer

Adding attributes to IBM Bluemix Blockchain CA(membersrvc.yaml)

I'm working on a proof of concept for blockchain. I've am using bluemix network for blockchain and deploying my application, which I develop locally. I want to test the CA functionalities and want to add users with attributes to the membersrvs.yaml…
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What is the difference between Cloud Foundry and OpenWhisk?

I see these both in Bluemix, but what is the difference between them?
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IBM IoT Foundation: When to use MQTT and when to use REST for event submission?

The IBM IoT Foundation allows devices to submit events to the IBM cloud for consumption and recording. There appears to be two primary mechanisms to achieve the transmission of events ... MQTT and REST (HTTP POST requests). Assuming that a project…
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1 answer

How to add websocket support to an ingress resource in Kubernetes on IBM Bluemix?

When the client tries to connect our ingress defined endpoint via a wss:// request, the app returns 400 bad request, which according to docs is due to missing headers removed by load balancing proxies like nginx. apiVersion:…
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1 answer

Cloud Foundry node.js application loads slow on iOS Safari mobile

We have a Bluemix node.js application that loads perfectly in all browsers, except on Safari Mobile. Even on OSX Safari it works fine. We have tested this with iPhone 5, 6 and different iPads. We have done this over different WiFi networks and…
Driss Amri
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3 answers

Can I change owner of directory that is mounted on volume in IBM containers?

I'm trying to launch postgres in IBM containers. I have just created volume by: $ cf ic volume create pgdata Then mount it: $ cf ic run --volume pgdata:/var/pgsql -p 22 After logging into container…
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2 answers

How do I use Cloud Foundry to login to IBM Bluemix?

I am trying to get started using IBM Bluemix and want to use the Cloud Foundry CLI to login and manage my applications. But I cannot figure out how to login using the cf command. I think what I am missing is the API endpoint I need to provide for…
Henry DeAngelis
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1 answer

What is cloudant document expiration field?

Is document expiration field set with date-time or seconds or milliseconds? As I know it's seconds: "expiration": 1543086426, So 1543086426 = Saturday, November 24, 2018 7:07:06 PM Then why the document is being removed by Cloudant? If it's…
John Glabb
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2 answers

How to set Cloud foundry API endpoint?

I am trying to login to bluemix account through cloud foundry cli using command CF login and I am getting output as 'API endpoints > ' I tried CF API then I got message as 'No API endpoint set . Use 'cf api' to set an endpoint .' what is the API…
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2 answers

CF Connect to the cloud controller

I use the following lib to connect to the cloud controller const endpoint = ""; const username = "myuser"; const password = "mypass"; const CloudController = new…
John Jerrby
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2 answers

Cloud Foundry service vs app

What is the difference between the concepts of service/user provided service and apps in Cloud Foundry? After all both expose URLs So when is it recommended to create a service and when an app?
John Jerrby
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1 answer

Best practices for creating intents/entities with IBM Conversation Service

I am currently working with the IBM Conversation Service. Does there exist any best practices for creating intents other than the information in the official docs or the ones documented here:…
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2 answers

bluemix xpages performance and architecture

I have a few questions about bluemix xpages runtime. As of now (Aug 2016) Xpages NoSQL Database is still experimental. Is there an ETA for this NoSQL service to become GA ? As of now, to have better control over performance, a separate domino server…
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1 answer

Can I use IBM Watson services without Bluemix?

I've been using AWS for hosting my backend servers. What's the best way to sign up an account so I can call Watson services from my servers directly, without an account on Bluemix? If yes, how? I couldn't find that at Watson's website. Thanks.
Nathan W
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