Questions tagged [hyperledger-fabric-ca]

312 questions
3 answers

how certificates get derived from the real fabric-ca-server certificate in hfc-key-store in hyperledger?

I'd like to explain what I understand correctly first and if I'm right, please tell me the truth and if I'm mistaken, tell me also that I'm mistaken. My explanation is about how hyperledger network and node sdk works together and how node sdk…
2 answers

How to start intermediate ca using docker-compose?

The steps which I have followed: 1) started the fabric with 1-ca(which is root ca), 1-orderer, 1-peer and 1-couchdb 2) I attached the shell to ca which is root and fire the 2 commands to register the intermediate ca. fabric-ca-client…
1 answer

Hyperledger Fabric docs on Membership Service Provider - Questions

I read the docs on Hyperledger Fabric Membership Service Providers (MSPs) and not everything was really clear to me. The link to the part of the docs on MSPs is this:…
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What is diffrence between enrolling and registering a certificate in Hyperledger fabric CA

What exactly is difference between enrolling and registering a certificate in Hyperledger Fabric CA. I am new to cryptography and i am really confused about the working of Fabric CA. Also how are certificates generated via cryptogen is diffrent from…
1 answer

Registration/Login using Oath or email/password with hyperledger-fabric-ca

I'm new to Hyperledger Fabric development and I'm trying to make a user friendly registration. For example: + Using Oauth from google account. + Or using traditional email-password registration. I've read the hyperledger fabric document and…
1 answer

Error while migrating form kafka to RAFT in Hyperledger fabirc

I am migrating from kafka to raft, When I have changed state from "NORMAL" to "STATE_MAINTENANCE"  and created the final expected envelope as per the procedure. Note: We are using BYFN script HF version: 1.4.3 My CLI pointed to Org1MSP, I signed…
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User registration & login in Hyperledger fabric

I am working on a project where I need the functionality of user registration and user login. I need some suggestion. What would be the better way of achieving this task? A.) Old school email & password OR B.) By using public & private keys? What…
Akshay Sood
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Hyperledger Fabric SDK - https & TLS Cert / Key

Note: I am using the Go SDK, but this should apply to Node, Java, etc. SDKs. I am using a fabric-ca instance as my Certificate Authority, and for a realistic production environment I need to use a secure connection. Based on the config-e2e.yaml…
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Failed to enroll admin, error:%o message=Calling enroll endpoint failed, CONNECTION Timeout

I am running my fabric network on kubernetes and I have setup ca servers for all the organisations. I am able to register and enroll the user from the cli but when i am using the fabric-ca-client library with nodejs to register and enroll the users.…
1 answer

Why is it highly discouraged to be an application and orderer organization at the same time?

Let's take the scenario of 3 equitable organizations, i.e., each organization runs peers and should be equally involved in the ordering process. For me, it feels quite natural to configure those 3 organizations to have an orderer node and some…
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Hyperledger Fabric v2 new chaincode lifecycle install problem with dind vm endpoint + tls

having trouble with new v2 chaincode lifecycle, I am using docker vm dind endpoint with tls on, peer has all docker client crypto material…
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How to use openldap with fabric-ca in hyperledger fabric?

I want to use openldap docker container with fabric-ca , I've been searching on internet for a week now. Is there anyone in the community who have tried or implemented ?
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hyperledger fabric calling enrollment endpoint failed with error

I was trying to deploy hyperledger fabric on multiple hosts using this code and used the balance transfer chaincode using node-SDK. While I tried to enroll the user, I got the following error: [2019-01-10 18:12:20.635] [ERROR] Helper -…
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What is the difference between hf.Registrar.Roles and hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles in the Fabric CA?

As far as I understand the hf.Registrar.Roles attribute defines the roles that the identity I'm creating can register when this identity in-turn registers new identities. What does the hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles attribute define? Any research online…
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Hyperledger Fabric CA: x509: certificate is valid for rca-ord, not localhost

we have started an instance of fabric-ca-server with following settings in docker-compose.yml version: '2' networks: test: services: myservice: container_name: my-container image: hyperledger/fabric-ca command: /bin/bash -c…
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