Questions tagged [hyperledger-fabric-ca]

312 questions
1 answer

How to build intermediate CA server detailly using fabric ca?

From Enrolling intermediate ca,must specify “hf.IntermediateCA = true, and fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -u http://:@: ,while I am fail to build intermediate ca server . Could somebody give…
Jim Green
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Why previous ecert and keys are still valid after restarting fabric network?

Following fabcar sample tutorial (Writing Your First Application) I've registered and enrolled 'user1' user by admin ecert. So keys and eCert of 'user1' was saved in 'hfc-key-store' subdirectory. Using 'user1' identity material I read data from…
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Should we issue multiple User Certificates for each end user

My current Organization structure is like below Org1 - Peer 1 - - - - Peer 5 - user 1 , user 2 .... user 100 Let us say I use Fabric-CA for issuing certificates. 1) There will be 100+ users on Peer 5. Should I provide each one a unique…
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What is the right way to cleanly shutdown fabric ca server?

To start a fabric ca server we use fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw What command or steps need to be followed to shut it down cleanly. I have read and checked there is no default commands. Refer -…
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Connecting a web application to Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network

I want to create a Hyperledger Fabric network which has a frontend. The web application is having feature of registering and login the user.The question is :- Does registering a user through web application require also to register the user in…
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What is the peer name If we add two members | amazon managed blockchain | REST Server

I set up hyperledger fabric network in amazon managed blockchain using this document. I have used this as rest server. I have configured peer name as peer1 here. It was worked properly. Later I added one more member using this document. Now member 1…
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fabric-ca request register failed | fabric-samples release-1.4 | balance-transfer network

I am trying to set up balance-transfer hyperledger fabric network. I have followed the steps in the While running ./, I got the following error. Creating network "artifacts_default" with the default driver Pulling…
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How to update the existing identity into hyperledger CA using fabric node SDK

I am trying to implement various feature which is mention on however I am got confused when I saw in fabric node sdk identity service class…
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Hyperledger fabric query the fabcar using the user base role type Error Acces denied

I am using farbic CA server for register client,member,peer using the farbic node js. While doing the registration process i am passing the role type which User,Memeber,Client. After that i do enrol which create the certificate, private,public key…
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2 answers

How to update the affiliation and attribute of member using fabric node

I have fabric network setup with 2 organisation and 2 fabric ca, I have register and enrolled the user. 1. How i can update the affiliation of user, I am trying to call the getCaName from node js and reenroll its doest not work. 2. How to change…
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Hyperledger Fabric- Failed to generate orderer genesis block

By running ./ generate command I am getting error mentioned below: INHYKPMAC01-MacBook-Pro:first-network prakriti$ ./ generate -c PDM Generating certs and genesis block for channel 'PDM' with CLI timeout of '10' seconds and CLI…
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How can I register new user and prevent admin to know user's keys [Hyperledger Fabric]

Is it possible to do that? I know that we can sign transactions offline before send to network, this process make user's keys totally private even for admin. But can I do the same with register? And If I can do it, can I do it on browser?
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