Questions tagged [hyperledger-explorer]

A blockchain module designed to create a user-friendly web application that can explore all relevant information stored in the ledger.

Hyperledger Explorer

Hyperledger Explorer is a simple, powerful, easy-to-use, highly maintainable, open source browser for viewing activity on the underlying blockchain network. Users have the ability to configure & build Hyperledger Explorer natively on macOS and Ubuntu.

99 questions
4 answers

Hyperledger Fabric Explorer config.json error

I am trying to run Explorer 3.6 for fabric version 1.2.0.I am using balance-transfer app for testing.My config.json file is as below- { "network-configs": { "network-1": { "version": "1.0", "clients": { "client-1": { …
3 answers

Error while starting hyperledger explorer with fabric v1.2

Getting the following error while starting explorer: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Explorer Error >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined at Platform.initialize…
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Hyperledger Explorer: how to prevent participants from accessing transaction history

In my Hyperledger-Fabric application (developed with Hyperledger Composer), I want to prevent participants from being able to look at the old transactions. Old transactions can be viewed either in the Hyperledger Composer Historian or in the…
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3 answers

How can I add the Hyperledger Fabric explorer to the "Hyperledger composer" environment

As I understand, the Hyperledger composer environment runs on a Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 (or 0.8?) blockchain. Beside the REST server to interact with the blockchain or see the transaction, participants etc. is is possible to see which transactions…
1 answer

Hyperledger Explorer error in channel discovery

Hyperledger Explorer error in channel discovery:access denied Channel:ehtchannel received discovery error:access denied-This is the exact error prompt.
3 answers

What is the relation between `Fabric`, `Composer`, `Cello` and other Hyperledger applications?

When I was tasting the fabric, I found many other blockchain projects, like Composer, Cello, Explorer. They are all belong to Hyperledger. I'm very confused that there are so many projects. Should I learn all of them? It seems each project plays a…
2 answers

Hyperledger Blockchain Explorer-Fail to connect before the deadline on Endorser, fail to connect to remote gRPC server

I am trying to set up a Hyperledger Fabric Network with Hyperledger Explorer. I spin up a VM on the digital ocean cloud with ubuntu OS. From there, I spin up 3 orderers node, and 2 peers node. Which result in total of 5 nodes. (I am using RAFT…
0 answers

Hyperledger explorer is unable to connect to the network

I have my network up and running. When I try to connect the same with the latest explorer it throws the following error. config.json: looks like: { "network-configs": { "network-1": { "version": "1.0", "clients": { …
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2 answers

Error in Hyperledger Explorer configuration

I am configuring Hyperledger Explorer, in a Ubuntu virtual machine version 16.04, to integrate with Hyperledger Composer based in this link: I have followed all the steps of…
1 answer

Fabric (hyperledger) explorer: refused to connect wss because of Content Security Policy on safari

I have a question/issue: I deploy the Hyperledger Explorer (connected to my Fabric network) via Kubernetes and connect to its ui via ingress. On any browser other than safari I have no issue with the explorer, but on Safari, after login, I have a…
Jon - LBAB
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Hyperledger Explorer Test Fail

After configuring as show in the Readme fit in Hyperledger explore and making md5 to trust I have managed to come this far. I am currently using an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server. Test explorerpg.sql for DDL statements syntax verification ✓…
0 answers

Is it possible to install and work with Hyperledger explorer from Fabric client node?

Is it possible to install fabric client node ? I am working with Aamzon managed block chain and I don`t see a way to use or have ready Hyperledger explorer on AWS managed block chain. Is it possible to have the endpoint for the same on this netwrok…
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Hyperledger Explorer timeout: don't show transactions after 4 hours on Kubernetes

I'm running a Hyperledger Fabric + Explorer application on Kubernetes. I'm able to create transactions and Hyperledger Explorer show them. But after 4 hours and 30 minutes (on average), the Hyperledger Explorer don't update himself with new…
2 answers

Hyperledger explorer | | ssl_transport_security | SSL3_GET_RECORD

I tried to install and run hyperledger explorer using the following URL post at medium Everything work fine. But finally, I am getting the…
1 answer

Meaning of 'High', 'Low' and 'Unsigned' ledger height status in the Network tab of Hyperledger Explorer

I'm using Hyperledger Explorer to view my Hyperledger Fabric network information. In the Network tab, there are 3 subcoulumns of Ledger Height that I couldn't comprehend: High, Low and Unsigned. For example, my network has 7 blocks and 4 peers. Each…
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