Questions tagged [http-status-code-405]

"Method not allowed": generally returned if a client attempts to use an incorrect method (such as POST) for a request to a particular URL.

Web servers return the HTTP status code 405 in response to requests using a particular method for a given URL that are not among the methods the server allows for that URL.

For example, the server allows the GET method for the URL but disallows the POST method. A POST to that URL causes the server to send a response with HTTP status code 405.

That response also includes the response header Allow: GET, PUT, HEAD.

According to the HTTP specification

The origin server MUST generate an Allow header field in a 405 response containing a list of the target resource's currently supported methods.

463 questions
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405 Error on Http Input Worker Role when HostnameComparisonMode is set to Exact

I'm having a similar error to this one: Azure Worker Role with HTTP input endpoint on port 8732 with HTTP 405 Error I have asked the question on MSDN, but no answer…
2 answers

consuming wcf service application from JQuery Ajax

i've built a WCF web application , exposed it's method into get enabled methods [OperationContract] [WebGet] string getStatistics(); [OperationContract] [WebGet] string getVenues(string BrandName, int limit); and edited the config file :…
Hady Elsahar
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GAE/J + Restlet + Backend + Cron Job + 405 Error:

Hoping to get some help or direction with the following issue I am facing. I am getting a 405 (method not allowed) error when using GAE backends with a cron job on the live system. The cron job started on the backend I defined, but it is throwing…
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webservices 405 error in Xcode

I am sending json object to a server using the post method.Below is my code. Code -(IBAction)ButtonClicked:(id)sender{ NSMutableDictionary *dic=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; [dic setValue:@"ra" forKey:@"Owner"]; …
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Method POST Error (405) using WSAPI in Orbit (Kepler project/Lua)

trying write a web application using Lua's MVC framework called Orbit. I have a local server (WSAPI) up and running my application but every time I submit a post request I get a 405 error. I think that this is probably a configuration issue, but…
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Error 405 Not Allowed when submitting a form - php file gets downloaded

I'm making a form as an IT homework and I would like to make it working when submitted, validating the data and so on. Firstly, I made a form.html file where there was the form which, when submitted, redirects to the form.php file that got the data.…
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Simple JQuery failing with 405 method not allowed

I am trying to get a simple PUT and DELETE request to work via JQuery but I get 405. I am new to JQuery, rather learning it. I am creating two HTML files and deploying it in tomcat 8.5 and running them via localhost. index.html …
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How to solve 405 error with Python requests?

I'm trying to login to a website with a Python script using the requests library, but I keep getting a 405 error and I'm lost on why I'm getting it. import requests payload = { 'guid': 'xxxxx', 'password': "xxxx" } head = {'Host':…
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HTTP ERROR 405 | ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC | slash problem

I need some help right there. I'm using ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC, all is going well, but not for a specific action. I have several pages : Start -> Index -> AddUser. I navigate between my pages thanks to
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HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL & The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource

When I open my browser (Chrome) on http://localhost:8084/Staff_Member_office_hours_management/EmailSendingServlet, then I see "service" from doService() being logged on console and my thread works correctly, however I don't see "It Works" from…
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“Not able to post data on published Web API” – 405 (Method Not Allowed)

I am using angular and when i post data to web api from local machine it will work but when same web api i publish on server i am not able to post data. I am getting 405 (Method Not Allowed). I Create "proxy.conf.js" file in src folder { "/api":…
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How to solve Flask/Heroku Error: “Method Not Allowed The method is not allowed for the requested URL”

I'm working with flask, heroku and flutter but when I call the the url I got the following error. This is my code for the from flask import Flask, jsonify, request import pandas as pd import numpy as np import joblib import traceback from…
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Method not allowed when redirect post method

When I redirect the GET method in middleware using asp net core it works fine. But When I want to redirect the post method I accept the method not allowed(405) error. Here is my redirect code in the startup.cs(Configure method): app.Use(async…
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flask axios post return http status code 405/400

i am trying to post data to server using axios. I can hit GET request but having issues in POST. # i am using CORS app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder='web/static', template_folder='web/templates') CORS(app) #flask…
1 answer

Flask Method Not Allowed

I'm working on a flask project and getting a method not found error. I am simply trying to go from my homepage to my game page at the press of submit button. I can't figure out where I am going wrong. I know this question has been asked several…
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