Questions tagged [hipaa]

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, subset of the ASC X12 EDI standard for to transfer of healthcare-related information.

HIPAA in this context refers to the data transmission standards mandated by the U.S. healthcare privacy act. It is based on the 004010 and 005010 versions of the X12 EDI standard, maintained by DISA.

The specific messages involve transferring inquiries, notifications, billing information and procedures between both healthcare providers (such as doctors, hospitals and other services) and billing agencies.

The Washington Publishing Company has the responsibility of publishing the actual standards documents.

97 questions
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Is Google ReCaptcha v2 HIPAA compliant?

All is in the title. I have been looking for a while and couldn't get a clear answer: Something like Google itself stating in its documentation that it's HIPAA compliant. If not. Why? What is exactly not compliant and is there a way to resolve it?…
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Are AWS SSH keys HIPAA or Sox compliant?

AWS typically uses SSH keys that get assigned on instance creation to facilitate access to EC2 instances through ssh. Those keys then typically get shared amongst the admin team to maintain the instances. Managing those keys for thousands of EC2…
Bernie Lenz
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Is App Maker hipaa compliant when is used with cloud sql

App Maker is hosted on app engine which is hipaa compliant. So when i use Cloud SQL which is hipaa compliant as well, can i use app maker for hipaa compliant applications in our company?
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BizTalk 2009 EDI HIPAA 5010A Hotfix/Update

I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight as to when an update is going to be released for BizTalk to comply with the 5010A standard, all addendums and errata included. I've just about exhausted myself with Google and Bing searches and the…
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How can I detect a user is using speech-to-text?

Is there any way I can detect when a user is using their phone's Speech-To-Text feature with Xamarin? The application I'm working on needs to be HIPAA compliant and the Speech-To-Text APIs are not HIPAA compliant. I would like to find a way to…
0 answers

Chatbot, when is HIPAA required

We will build a chat bot for a medical device in combination with an App. Chatbot job is to help for question about the device, app and general questions about the siknes where the device is build for. Needs the Chatbot to be a hipaa compliance…
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2 answers

WCF netTCPBinding Built-in Transport Security Strength and HIPAA Compliance

What is the strength of the default TCP transport security using WCF netTCPBinding? Is it HIPAA compliant and where is documentation stating this?
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Where to start with a HIPAA-compliant iOS app on AWS?

I'm researching pathways to developing a HIPAA-compliant iOS app in the healthcare space on AWS; I've found scattered information so am seeking additional guidance here on how to best prepare and where to start?
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MySQL Hipaa Logging

I'm having a difficult time making my MySQL instance on GCP adhere to the logging qualifications for Hipaa. My main concern is that the general_log would provide so much unnecessary logging, and also doesn't necessarily provide information regarding…
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Is google endpoints hipaa compliance

I'm not sure about this, i think i can use it for a app that needs hipaa compliance, because the nginx container is running on GKE or GCE and this services are hipaa compliance. Or is it not compliant?
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Is it HIPAA compliant to keep user application data in SQLite/Android?

I am building a health app for Android and that need to be HIPAA compliant. Is it allowed to store user activity data in SQLite database?
Techie Manoj
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How do I make my application using Mongodb and nodejs HIPAA compliant?

I am writing an application to be used potentially by doctors to keep in notes about patients (my app is not targeted for doctors but other professions don't need such strict rules). My app is written in nodejs and only the backend can access the…
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How to Follow HIPAA Compliance in My sails + waterline App?

I Need to encrypt all the details(name, email, phone, address) related to patient and doctors for HIPAA Compliance. If data is encrypted then how find query will work ex: I want records from database in the basis of email.
nitesh singh
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Parsing EDI file in IIB V10

I am very new to IIB V10 and am starting to work on it for a new project. I need to parse EDI 999 file in IIB. Is there any node/component to do so? I will have multiple Success/Failure in y EDI 999 file and I need to parse them in IIB using some…
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Hipaa Compliance with ASP.NET

I have came across a term Hippa Compliance. Is it just encryption on data in the database or something else? Do I need to integrate with third party website like "truevault" or I can do it in my local database?
Jigar Shah
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