Questions tagged [hipaa]

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, subset of the ASC X12 EDI standard for to transfer of healthcare-related information.

HIPAA in this context refers to the data transmission standards mandated by the U.S. healthcare privacy act. It is based on the 004010 and 005010 versions of the X12 EDI standard, maintained by DISA.

The specific messages involve transferring inquiries, notifications, billing information and procedures between both healthcare providers (such as doctors, hospitals and other services) and billing agencies.

The Washington Publishing Company has the responsibility of publishing the actual standards documents.

97 questions
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Microsoft SQL Azure HIPAA

I am looking for some information on Azure. Is SQL Server Azure is covered under HIPAA compliance? Will MS sign HIPAA BAA? How feasible it is to store the databases of more than one HIPAA compliant applications or for different clients on the same…
1 answer

Website back end users activity log and HIPAA compliance

Can someone inform me as to what is the required length of time I should keep website user activity logs in a DB to meet HIPAA compliance? Thanks
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Is the WordPress $wpdb object secure for making SQL calls with PHI information?

I am building a website that needs to be HIPAA compliant and am wondering if using the WordPress $wpdb object for SQL is safe and secure? The $wpdb object would be working with PHI (Protected Health Information) so I want to make sure this will…
1 answer

Can I auto-generate a new spreadsheet from an existing spreadsheet without breaking HIPAA?

I'm currently collecting client data through a Google Form into one massive Sheet. I want to create individual Sheets, in addition to the conglomerate, for every new client, as soon as the new form response is collected. Is Google Script…
2 answers

Does anyone definitively know if API Gateway and cognito are hipaa compliant while using lambda?

So to state the obvious, lambda is not at this time HIPAA compliant. API Gateway (without caching) and cognito are HIPAA compliant. API Gateway allows the use of lambda functions, e.g. for authentication. My confusion lies that the only…
1 answer

HIPAA 5010 to csv via XSLT - Loop Path issue?

I am attempting to learn some XLST for extracting data from EDi 837/835 files. The below will place the fields specified from Loop 2100 in to a cvs format, but not the fields from Loop 2110. The stylesheet below it will return the fields from Loop…
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HIPAA Compliant Architecture

I am developing a Medical Billing Software and should be HIPAA complaint. My current architecture is using separate database for each tenant. But I need to change it to a Multi tenant architecture. So Is there any problem for HIPAA with Multi tenant…
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