Questions tagged [aws-ec2-instance-connect]

Amazon EC2 Instance Connect provides a secure way to connect to instances using Secure Shell (SSH). You use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and principals to control SSH access to instances, removing the need to share and manage SSH keys. All connection requests using EC2 Instance Connect are logged to AWS CloudTrail to enable auditing of connection requests.

See: Connecting to Your Linux Instance Using EC2 Instance Connect

28 questions
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Creating a user and adding public key on aws ec2 instance

I've created a user and copied the public key to .ssh/authorized_key for that new user and also I've set the pubkeyauthentication to yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config after saving the file restarted the sshd service. When I try to ssh from the new user I…
1 answer

Amazon EC2 Instance Connect for SSH - security group?

I'm using the new (june 2019) EC2 browser SSH connect feature to shell into a EC2. This is very convenient, since I'm on Windows and it's annoying to configure PuTTy with AWS auth and the legacy browser SSH offering never worked right for me. I can…
1 answer

EC2 Instance Connect equivalent of scp

I have an EC2 instance on which I don't allow ssh. I use EC2 Instance Connect to connect to it. What is the alternative to scp Amazon exposes when using EC2 Instance Connect rather than ssh?
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Are AWS SSH keys HIPAA or Sox compliant?

AWS typically uses SSH keys that get assigned on instance creation to facilitate access to EC2 instances through ssh. Those keys then typically get shared amongst the admin team to maintain the instances. Managing those keys for thousands of EC2…
Bernie Lenz
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Cannot ping and ssh login to the ec2 instances after login to bastion host

I use the module "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws" and "terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance/aws" provisioned VPC and ec2 instances. See the code below. I am able to ssh login to the bastion host via bastion host public ip. Inside bastion host, I am not…
1 answer

EC2 Window Instances - Paste Files

We have two EC2 Window instances. We had no issues copy a file from our local PC to the first EC2 instance. For some reason, we cannot complete the same function in the second EC2 instance. The paste option is grayed out when we attempt. Both…
2 answers

How to connect to an existing EC2 Instance and execute a shell file using CloudFormation Template

I know that it's possible to use a CloudFormation template to launch a new EC2 instance in AWS and install any packages using user data. But is there any way to connect to an existing instance and execute a shell file using the CloudFormation…
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I could not connect Tomcat deployed in ec2 instance from my local sand box

Here is the output on my ec2 instance [root@ip-172-31-15-53 bin]# sudo netstat -atpn | grep 8080 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1752/java when I telnet 172-31-15-53 8080. connect to 172-31-15-53…
mel win
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EC2 Instance Connect - Which AWS IPs For Inbound For Browser Console Access?

I have instance connect working fine from the CLI on my local machine as I have my ip added to the security group for the ec2 instance for inbound ssh access. However, the browser-based version in the EC2 Console seems to need me to add all internet…
2 answers

parameters needed for connecting to aws rds instance via ssh

Does anyone know where to find the values needed for the parameters required for an ssh connection involving a bastion host and an AWS RDS instance? I have listed what I have been able to find so far below: SSH Hostname - Endpoint given for RDS…
0 answers

Mock test failing for boto3.client(ec2-instance-cpnnect).send_ssh_public_key

I have the following code for ssh using instance id. - def command(self,args): ec2connect = boto3.client('ec2-instance-connect') ec2connect.send_ssh_public_key( InstanceId=args.instance_id, …
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Amazon Web Services Missing Instances

Sorry, I am really new to this AWS. I am stuck since yesterday. Our former developer creates an app and it is on AWS, unfortunately, we can't find the Instances on the account he created. But we can still access the IP, and also, there's nothing on…
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EC2 instance connect is showing (AccessDeniedException) error

While I am connecting to an Amazon-linux-2 instance in which the AWS instance connect was installed by default I am getting the error like this An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the SendSSHPublicKey operation: User:…
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Create my own proxy server by using AWS Linux EC2 instance

I have tried to create my own proxy server by using AWS Linux EC2 instance. I followed the steps from this article and this article. But after create the instance and configure the Tinyproxy and then configure browser to this proxy, it shows me an…
1 answer

How to access my instance through SSH writing boto3 code

I need to access my instance through port 22 / 80 but I need to write boto3 code to create a different security group each time and use this new id in the create instance method. How would I go abouts doing this? This is my code so far. import…