Questions tagged [grpc-node]

grpc-node is a high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework for Node.js platform.

gRPC is an open source remote procedure call (RPC) system initially developed at Google. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, Protocol Buffers as the interface description language, and provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming and flow control, blocking or nonblocking bindings, and cancellation and timeouts.

grpc-node repository

gRPC Node Quick Start

143 questions
2 answers

Cannot import google's proto with @grpc/proto-loader

I have the following proto: syntax = "proto3"; import "google/rpc/status.proto"; message Response { google.rpc.Status status = 1; } message Request { Type name = 1; } service Service { rpc SomeMethod (Request) returns…
2 answers

Firestore / gRPC behind a corporate firewall / proxy

Our company has built an electron application using Firestore and now we are trying to deploy the application behind a corporate proxy and firewall (customer environment). After setting the proxy authentication settings using electrons…
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1 answer

How can two internal Cloud Run node.js microservices successfully communicate via gRPC?

New to Google Cloud Run and trying to have two node.js microservices communicate internally via gRPC. The client interface: constructor(address: string, credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials, options?: object); The client code: const client:…
1 answer

How to distinguish not provided and empty array in grpc service?

See Usually in CRUD operations, the value not provided means do not change that field, and the empty array [] means to clear all items inside that field. But if you tries to implement CRUD operations…
Jeff Tian
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3 answers

How to add message type as object in ProtoBuf (gRPC) - Proto3 Syntax?

How to send message type as object in ProtoBuf - Proto3 Syntax? I want to transfer object instead of string or number. Example { name: 'One', date: 'date', some: 'some', ... ... } syntax = "proto3"; package db; service Proxy { rpc…
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Get data from observable grpc service in nestjs,

I want to use gRPC service to communicate between my microservices. but when getting a response from Grpc service, before return a method, I want to do some modification and functionality. sample project: …
2 answers

GRPC-Web connectivity issue in TLS

I have a GRPC Web client and a GRPC Server and I am using envoy proxy from the conversion of HTTP 1.1 to HTTP2. My server creation Logic uses TLS. The code is as follows: var opts []grpc.ServerOption creds, err :=…
Anshu Kumar
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1 answer

How to call a grpc service running on ec2 from aws lambda

I have a grpc service, written in python, deployed on one EC2 instance. I have written a nodejs application and using the application, I am able to call the grpc service from my local machine, and also from another EC2 instance. However when I…
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1 answer

GRPC Golang Server and NodeJS client. TLS connect failed

Everything works fine when I don't use TLS. But when I do, it does not connect. More details: I have configured the Golang GRPC server exactly like how this blog says in Mutual TLS…
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2 answers

gitlab-ci build fails for grpc

My node.js build stopped working on the gitlab-ci servers 2 days ago. And I don't really understand why. Some more info: The package.json file has not changed when the ci build stopped working Even older ci-builds that were okay some days ago,…
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1 answer

gRPC failure, when executing chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain on multiple nodes

I would like to run my own hyperledger blockchain on multiples nodes. I have the following setup: My Ubuntu PC is hosting one orderer, peer, couch db, CA server. My Raspberry Pi (running Ubuntu Mate) is hosting: one peer and couch db. The both nodes…
1 answer

Google GAX / gRPC in Node.js Does Not Work With HTTP/S Proxy

I am trying to get Dialogflow SDK samples from Google's Dialogflow v2 Node.js SDK to work. I am using node.js v8.10.0, with dialogflow node.js SDK version 0.5.0. I am encountering this issue when trying to run the "Detect Intent" sample, from…
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2 answers

Run protoc command into docker container

I'm trying to run protoc command into a docker container. I've tried using the gRPC image but protoc command is not found: /bin/sh: 1: protoc: not found So I assume I have to install manually using RUN instructions, but is there a better solution?…
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0 answers

gRPC response not getting sent to client inside setTimeout when running in renderer process in electron

I am using the @grpc/grpc-js module and I have setup a sample gRPC server: When I run a gRPC server in electron, if I send a response after a "timeout", then the response is not going to the client at all. It's not closing the http2 stream properly.…
Natesh bhat
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0 answers

SBE protocol support in grpc/javascript

We are planning to use grpc for web ui and server communication. We also intend to use SBE as communication protocol. I have 2 questions in this regard Can we use SBE protocol with grpc instead of protobuf. Do we have support in…
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