Questions tagged [gridview-sorting]

Process of data arrangement in a gridview control

It is a process of arranging the data displayed in the gridview control in ascending or descending order based on user code to suit user needs.

94 questions
2 answers

how to sort integer and string in gridcontrol C#? this is my code :

this is the class: public static List GetData() { var context = new FingerScanContext(); return (from a in context.MasterRejects select a).ToList(); } this is how i called the grid view: InitializeComponent(); List mrj…
1 answer

Sorting is not working on any column other than primary column in yii2 kartik grid

I have all set and filtering is working fine but facing problem in sorting columns When I set sort for id column it works fine but when I set other columns sort, it is not working $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => $query, …
1 answer

PageLoad on a GridView

When the page initially loads, it has only a TextBox1 and a Button. If I don't enter anything in the box and hit the button, it will load my GridView with all the Data rows from the SQL Select. Q - How can I make it that when the page loads…
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2 answers

quicksort program not working?

This is supposed to be a an implementation of the quicksort algorithm. But when I run it it keeps going forever without displaying anything. I have tried to find the problem but am too tired now. Please help. #include void quicksort(int…
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