Questions tagged [gridview-sorting]

Process of data arrangement in a gridview control

It is a process of arranging the data displayed in the gridview control in ascending or descending order based on user code to suit user needs.

94 questions
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Sorting column not working on gridview

probably this is easy but I am facing troubles to make sort works for a column of a gridview. The idea is to click at column: So…
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How to bind datatable with different table to already sorted gridview

I am creating a dynamic application. Where I am giving add,update,delete,paging and sorting options. I have one on top drop-down where I am placing table names in option. Problem is that when I select one table and sort it and change the table from…
0 answers

asp Gridview first column not sorting

I have a gridview that should allow sorting on all columns and works well aside from the first column. All column headers are clickable and sortable. On the first column however the sortExpression doesnt work. This is happening throughout the…
Derek Kelly
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2 answers

gridview sorting based on a specific column values

I have a gridview with following columns. I want to sort gridview based on status. Red status should come first (up) then green status. Please suggest how can I do? This is my code : Using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("SELECT…
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DataGrid Sorting By Any Column Only Sorts by First Column Criteria

I have been scratching my head at this one for quite a while. My Xceed datagrid only sorts by AcqID and nothing else, even when I select other columns that are strings, date, and numeric. See image of date sorting below. My Object is pretty…
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sorting in kendo grid using custom values

need help with sorting these json results by days inside kendoGrid. I need a way to turn the plus sign into .5 or something along those lines. I suppose I have to loop through each one, if i find the plus sign then change the value to number.5 and…
2 answers

Category Product sorting is not working except the Homepage

I already sort the products in every category in the Admin Panel. It doesn't work accordingly in the Frontend but in the Homepage everything is fine. I checked on this link and I want to know how to make it enforce sorting by position STACK QUE I'm…
KiD Cajes
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SQL Server / C# : Filter for System.Date - results only entries at 00:00:00

I have a connected SQL Server database in Visual Studio and am displaying its content in a grid. I created a dropdown menu with the column names as selectable options and a text field to filter for specific content, e.g., DropDown = "Start" -…
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GridView with Fix Header for each column in Android

I can't find any specific way that can make Android GridView having Header for each and every column like in we can make like this: How to make custom…
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Paging / Sorting on GridView

(this is another question, since my original post, I asked too many questions in one) Let me state this first. I am pretty much completely new to ASP coding. I am working on a little side project that requires me to use ASP instead of PHP that I…
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How to allow GridView sort and display text as link

I want to be able to allow the user to sort through by clicking on each header of the following GridView
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GridView sorting without JavaScript?

When "AllowSorting" is true on an GridView, it just makes the headers with a SortExpression clickable. Trouble is that it does this with JavaScript links - so with JS turned off you cannot sort the columns. Before I go and write my own…
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Sorting Issue with User defined datatypes (Custom Properties) in C#

I have a grid where I am biding data from an object. Object has some complex data types. Below is my code Able to sort ORDERID and OrderNumber BUT NOT CustomerInfo Property Class : public class Order { public Int32 OrderID{ get; set; } …
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2 answers

No overload for method matches delegate 'System.EventHandler

I am merging 2 rows in the column header of a Gridview. The row has to sort. To add the sorting ability to the column header I need to add the LinkButton control to the TableCell and then assign the Sorting method to the click event. I am getting…
Gloria Santin
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