Questions tagged [gridview-sorting]

Process of data arrangement in a gridview control

It is a process of arranging the data displayed in the gridview control in ascending or descending order based on user code to suit user needs.

94 questions
2 answers

Sorting in GridView +

What should I do to perform the sorting in grid view? Please help
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Sorting is unhandled even though I have a handler

I am extracting data from SQL Server and displaying it in a gridview. I am then trying to sort the columns out by clicking on the headers. I get a problem of unhandled event.... any help would be great thanks The problem I get is that when I click…
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How to Sort the Gridview Based Session values

I have a gridview with hyperlink if i click on hyperlink the values going to button of the gridview. protected void gvDetails_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Row.DataItem != null) { …
0 answers

GridView sorting and paging Entity Framework with calculated field

I am paging and sorting a GridView which uses ObjectDataSource. The ObjectDataSource gets data from a List in my business layer, and this List is populated by an IEnumerable in my data layer which uses the Entity Framework. The guts of the…
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Sorting doesn't work for DataGrid when it's binded with a DataPager

I have a problem with the sorting feature in a DataGrid where the paging is done by a DataPager. My DataPager control pages the data into mulitple pages as per number of rows defined for each page. Here is my XAML code:
siva Rapolu
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GridView sorting with Generic List in

I am doing custom sorting on a gridview that is being bound to a generic list. My problem is the following: If direction.ToLower.Contains("desc") Then mygv.DataSource = myList.OrderByDescending(Function(w) w.Name) …
Ali Issa
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Ordering Columns in a DataGridView alphabetically

I am using a DataGridView control in a VB.Net application where columns are being added dynamically to a DataTable which is being created in code. I need to order some of the columns alphabetically by name. E.g. Name, Surname, House Number, B, D, A,…
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DeliveryDate in Order Item Grid not sorting correctly

I have created a sales order item grid in the admin panel in magento. The grid displays the Display Date correctly. However when I try to sort based on the delivery date it does not work. I include the delivery date as…
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Sorting a string column on time field is not working in ultrawingrid in

I am developing desktop application and that i am using Infragistic Controls version 12.1. Now in the UltraWinGrid there are columns like ID,Time,Name, Description etc. Id Time Name Description 1 10.45 AM - 11:15 AM ABC …
Brijesh Patel
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Export to Excel exports the whole webpage and not just the gridview(Sorting enabled)

In my C# application, I am generating a Gridview from user's input and then I have to give user an option to export the Gridview to the excel sheet. Here is my abc.aspx page:
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DataSet not being filled and I can not understand why...?

So I am having an issue with a project I am working on. I am creating a gridview that will have the paging and sorting handled by the SQL Server due to large amounts of data in our queries. I have downloaded an example oof how to do this, changes…
2 answers

What is ".toJSON" and how can I "undo" or "reverse" it

I am working on a project where we use KENDOUI for the front-end with jQuery/Javascript coding to manage anything that we can't do with the framework itself. I have a KENDO Grid which needs client side sorting and here is what I am trying to do - …
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Sorting when click on GridView Header cell

I’m using GridView and I want to sort the grid when click on anywhere in the header cell not only the header text.
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ASP.NET Gridview to hanlde Delete, Sorting and Paging of records

I am novice in ASP.NET. I am working on designing a ASP.NET page using a DataGrid, where i will do following tasks. Please suggest what would be the best approach. 1) Display records from DB on a Grid as following (enabling…
1 answer

Sorting table data with JQuery, table has columns with dates and dollar signs, which plug-in is good?

I have to sort a table and looking for right plugin. Some of the columns have dates and some have currency signs($) as shown below. Are there any JQuery plugins available for sorting this kind of data.
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