Questions tagged [gridpanel]

Gridpanel is a User Interface Element that is used as a grouping control to define the behavior of various graphical controls and forms.

Gridpanel is a User Interface Element that is used as a grouping control to define the behavior of various graphical controls and forms.

  • The grid panel is the most flexible layout container compared to other layout containers that are designed to manage more specific layout functionality.


326 questions
3 answers

How to add row double click event listener when extending grid panel with Ext.define()?

I am extending GridPanel with Ext.define() (Ext v4). I need to get the row data when a grid row is double clicked. At this point I cannot even get the event listener working: Ext.define('Application.usersGrid', { extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel', alias:…
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5 answers

JavaFX - Get GridPane to fit parent

I have a simple GridPane showing a couple of labels and a button, but I cannot seem to get it to fit the parent StackPane. How would I go forth and make it so that it fills whatever container it is in? GridPane g = new GridPane(); g.add(new…
5 answers

javafx GridPane retrieve specific Cell content

I want to retrieve the content of one specific cell in a Gridpane. I have put buttons in the cells with the setConstraints(btt , 0 ,1 ) setConstraints(btt , 0 ,2 ) getChildren().add.... In my case the GridPane.getChildren.get(10) is not good. I…
Elias Elias
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3 answers

Render dynamic components in ExtJS 4 GridPanel Column with Ext.create

I've got an ExtJS (4.0.7) GridPanel that I'm populating from a store. The values that I display in the GridPanel's column need to have a different view depending on the type of data that's in the record. The ultimate goal is that records with…
Ted Naleid
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3 answers

JavaFx GridPane - how to center elements

I have a GridPane filled with 1-letter-labels. Here is an image: Here is the code: int charSpacing = 1; int charsInWidth = 28; int charsInHeight = 16; double charWidth = 15; double charHeight = 20; GridPane gp = new…
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5 answers

Clean gridPane in JavaFX and maintain the Grid line

I'm trying to make a simple game (it is a school work) in JavaFX and I am trying to clear the panel with the board, and then just repaint it. I have tried a lot of methods, and this one is the only one I found that removes all the pieces of the…
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5 answers

How do you include a UX class in the MVC pattern?

Before the MVC pattern I would include UX classes simply by including this at the top of the JS, before Ext.onReady: Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true}); Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', 'extjs/examples/ux'); Ext.require([ …
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3 answers

How can I change the row colour in datagrid based on severity?

How can I change the row colour in datagrid based upon the severity condition? I'm new to this EXTJS topic. I used to reader to read, store to store and writer to write the data. After fetching all the data into the grid, how can i change the row…
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2 answers

Creating a Dynamic Grid with ExtJS

I'm trying to make a Dynamic Grid class (where I do not know any information about the columns but they are given from the json response and the gird prepares itself accordingly). Here I have found exactly what I was looking for however it gives me…
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1 answer

Server Side sorting in an ExtJS GridPanel

I have a paged GridPanel and don't know how to go about adding server side sorting. Do I add a listener for the sortChange() event? Do I override it? Or is there another event that I should work with. Any help would be appreciated.
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4 answers

Updating a field in a record dyanamically in extjs

Scenario I want to update the column data of particular record in grid having store with static data. Here is my store: extend : '', model : 'MyModel', autoLoad:true, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'app/data/data.json', …
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2 answers

Extjs Grid - Click event listener

I did successfully add a row double click event listener to my grid by: listeners : { itemdblclick: function(dv, record, item, index, e) { alert('working'); } }, Now, I need to get the exact value in third column at the selected…
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1 answer

Is it possible to show more than one summary row in gridpanel of extjs?

Following is my code to show a grid panel with total cost summary. I want to show another summary row with average. So any help? Ext.require(['*', 'Ext.grid.*']); Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.define('NewEstimate', { …
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1 answer

Add help button to Extjs gridpanel header

I want to add a button to the right hand side of my gridpanel header but can't find anyway of doing so. I don't want to add a toolbar since it's only 1 button I want to add.
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5 answers

how to align grid Panel in center

I am placing Ext JS Grid Panel in a iFrame. Do anybody know how can I place it in the center of the iFrame. Currently It look like this - I want it to be like this -
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