Questions tagged [google-playground]

The Playground lets you experiment with how content is displayed on Glass. It renders timeline cards in your browser for quick viewing and can also send timeline cards to your Glass.


The playground currently supports the following features:

  • Image attachment -- displaying an image attachment on the background or from an HTML payload.
  • Text-only -- displaying a text-only timeline item.
  • Text and creator -- displaying a text-only timeline item containing a creator.
  • HTML -- displaying a timeline item rendered using HTML (htmlPages are not supported).
  • Menu Items -- displaying CUSTOM menu items and sending fake notifications if the project is subscribed.
  • Insert -- inserting a new timeline item in a user's timeline.
  • Update -- updating existing a timeline item from a user's timeline.
  • Delete -- deleting existing a timeline item from a user's timeline.
12 questions
1 answer

How to run Google App Script function from Google OAuth 2.0 Playground | The caller does not have permission

I have created a new script which creates "Google Form" on my google account. Following is the sample code: function myFunction() { var form = FormApp.create('New Form'); var item = form.addCheckboxItem(); item.setTitle('What condiments would you…
1 answer

How do I get to Google Code Playground?

I use to be able to get to Google Code Playground page. As discussed in A guide to Google Code PlayGround Its a web-based tool that lets web developers try out all of the APIs that Google provides, tweak the code, and see the results, I found it…
1 answer

couldn't receive google glass notification after subscription?

I have created a timeline card with menu item and subscribed the same.When i try it(clicked the menu item) from mirror api playground ,it shows notification send but my service couldn't receive any notification.Its not showing any sign of hitting my…
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Gmail API playground: Send method, converted MIME raw header not populating email fields on send

I'm using the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground and attempting to send an email. The autentication is working fine. Here is the very simple message I'm trying to send (email address changed to prevent spam): to: 'Michael To'
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1 answer

how to get proper (full) image path with extension from google api result

I am using google oauth 2.0 playground API, its giving ma the result of contact's but the problem is its not giving the full image name with extension as well. below result I am getting
1 answer

Google+ Playground api not working

I'm using Google Playground for accessing Google+ APIs. When I try to call the API[user_id]/circles ..then it results in error: { "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Access Not…
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1 answer

Google Glass: Developing and testing using PlayGround

I am not a person with the Google glass and I am not a person registered glass explorer. It seems like we can't develop for glass at the moment. - Is this is it or is there another way around? I…
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1 answer

Map images on Google Glass Playground

Does the Glass playground support map images with the glass://map url? I am trying the following: And I don't get an image. If it is not supported by the playground is there a work around? Using static maps api? Is this planned to be supported?
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2 answers

Test Manager Account Google Ads API

I am trying to Create a Client test account under Test manager account of google ads API but my test manager account is marked as closed. See below As mentioned in the picture a, we need to use new google account to create test manager account…
0 answers

How can we get the real time current day's step count using Google Fit rest API?

While using the Google Fit Rest API for the fitness activities, It gives me the data of the previous days with appropriate step count but not able to gives the current day's count. Even in my mobile, Google Fit sync process was running properly and…
2 answers

how to decode google contact v3 photo name

How to decode this image name (with extension)
2 answers

Can't run Code Playground example from local file

This is the Map/Earth Integration example at Google's 'Code Playground' site: I can run that example from the playground just fine. But if I save its html locally and then try…