Questions tagged [google-mlkit]

ML Kit is Google’s machine learning SDK for mobile platforms, iOS and Android, used for dynamic text recognition and translation, object detection, barcode scanning etc. When asking questions, use platform-specific tags, iOS or Android.

ML Kit is Google’s machine learning SDK for mobile platforms, iOS and Android, used for dynamic text recognition and translation, object detection, barcode scanning etc.

Tag Usage

The tag is to be used with or tags. When adding additional tags to questions, please use the iOS- or Android-specific tags.


261 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to return polygon bound or 3d image segmentation for a detected object with TensorFlow Lite and MLKit?

I am making a project that utilizes MLKit. The classification model will be a TensorFlow Lite model. I noticed that the detected objects always return rectangular bounding boxes. I would like them to return polygonal bounds that are shaped like the…
1 answer

Is it possible for MLKit to detect the 3D dimensions of an object?

From what I've used so far and know, Google's ML Kit api offers support for Object-Detection & Tracking, Face Detection, Image Labeling, etc. However, in each of these use cases, it seems to only get a basic 2D render that can product a Rect…
2 answers

How to post text to a text box insted of a toast?

Hey there people I'm new to Android and Kotlin can you help me with this please. recognizer.recognize(ink) .addOnSuccessListener { result: RecognitionResult -> Toast.makeText(context, "I see ${result.candidates[0].text}",…
1 answer

Read the text in an image in android without using third party service

hello i am developing an mobile application (android) to share medical reports. One part of the application is read the text in those reports (reports are in JPEG / image format). Since medical reports contain sensitive data i can't use a third…
1 answer

try Makeup using MLKit ios swift

Any idea, how can put lipstick on lips in face detection. i have done put color but i want to show Glossy and Shiny. Any Idea about How can use texture and shades in MLKit ios app Simply I find Lips points and create CAShapelayer layer and after…
1 answer

Can we store google MLKit translation model in Bundle?

How I can store google MLKit translation model in a NSBundle.
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