Questions tagged [google-mlkit]

ML Kit is Google’s machine learning SDK for mobile platforms, iOS and Android, used for dynamic text recognition and translation, object detection, barcode scanning etc. When asking questions, use platform-specific tags, iOS or Android.

ML Kit is Google’s machine learning SDK for mobile platforms, iOS and Android, used for dynamic text recognition and translation, object detection, barcode scanning etc.

Tag Usage

The tag is to be used with or tags. When adding additional tags to questions, please use the iOS- or Android-specific tags.


261 questions
3 answers

Firebase ML kit give FirebaseMLException: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded. Please wait

I'm use firebase ml kit for text recognition but give this exception on emulator and real device. W/System.err: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded. Please wait. at…
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Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 flutter

I'm working in an app flutter. Android working fine but in ios no. I need some help to run this on ios mobile. I'm using lib: google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.27+3 and firebase_ml_vision: ^0.9.3+8. Xcode 11.4.1 and Mac os Catalina 10.15.4. Someone knows…
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3 answers

ML Kit Vision on-device text recognition not downloading model: Waiting for the text recognition model to be downloaded. Please wait

I know there are many similar questions (here, here or here) but even though I've followed the suggested instructions I'm still facing the same issue. Even though it seems I have the project configured correctly, the Firebase ML Kit seems to have…
2 answers

Google ML Kit: couldn't find ""

I recently changed my old barcode/QR scanning library in favor of the Google ML Kit for barcode scanning, and since I did I am receiving some new crash reports through crashlytics that I didn't have before. Fatal Exception:…
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Is it possible to add Scan Barcodes with ML Kit to the iOS project via Carthage or manually?

In our iOS project we use Carthage as a dependency manager. And we want to add Scan Barcodes with ML Kit to the project. But seems that Scan Barcodes is distributed via Cocoapods only. Is there any way to add GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning via Carthage…
Alex Belozierov
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4 answers

Android Firebase ML-Kit real time Barcode Detection through Camera

I have a situation where i have to detect barcode from camera on fly without taking picture using Firebase ML-Kit Vision appreciated.
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1 answer
0 answers

Android Camera2 ImageReader is not working with MediaRecorder on Samsung S21 family

For new Samsung S21 devices Image analysis is not working together with video recording. If I'm adding surfaces for my capture session: //surface of TextureView for preview addTarget(previewSurface) //surface of media recorder for video…
Denis Nek
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1 answer

`suspendCoroutine` throws `This job has not completed yet` exception?

I'm trying to test my encapsulated translator class which uses Google ML Kit Translate under the hood. I got an error that throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: This job has not completed yet. I don't quite understand why this exception occurs.…
2 answers

Using GoogleMLKit 0.61.0 thru CocoaPods is downgrading Firebase libs to 6.20.0

Using GoogleMLKit 0.61.0 thru CocoaPods is downgrading Google Firebase libs from the latest one defined in my project to older version detailed below before MLKit - Firebase/Analytics (6.27.0) after MLKit - Firebase/Analytics (6.20.0) before MLKit…
2 answers

App crashes when try to read the text on a image using firebase ml vision

I'm tring to read text from the image using firebase ml vision and I use image_picker to get the image from gallery. image_picker: ^0.6.1+4 firebase_ml_vision: ^0.9.2+1 Get the image File imageFile = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source:…
Udith Shalinda
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2 answers

Missing required module 'MLKit' error while using a framework that uses MLKit

Recently I created a iOS Framework called "MLKit Framework" that uses MLKit Face Detection library. In order to achieve that, I just imported the library in Podfile according to documentation. As expected, that created a xcworkspace called MLKit…
1 answer

it requires specifying NormalizationOptions metadata to preprocess input images

Yolov3-tiny-416.tflite is a tflite model for yolov3 tiny model created from yolov3-tiny.weights I had tried to use this from ML kit Vision module provided by google in android. In repo:…
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2 answers

Is there a way to crop Image/ImageProxy (before passing to MLKit's analyzer)?

I'm using CameraX's Analyzer use case with the MLKit's BarcodeScanner. I would like to crop portion of the image received from the camera, before passing it to the scanner. What I'm doing right now is I convert ImageProxy (that I recieve in the…
0 answers

Beauty Mode with CameraX

I have been searching for beauty mode since last week and didn't find any resource except for some overpriced sdk. I want to know if there is any tool or resource which helps me to implement beauty mode in-camera preview like slim face, skin tone,…
Himanshu Malik
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