Questions tagged [google-image-search]

276 questions
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How do I block TinEye spider?

I know how to block Google image search through robots.txt, is there something similar for TinEye? I do not want my sites being indexed by them.
2 answers

Looking for assistance with adding a randomizer to my search results

The purpose of this code is to run a bot on a Discord server. Right now it is able to search for images, but I would like to randomize the results. I have the following variable - var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * search.results.length); but I'm…
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Search by image / online reverse image search with Python | Check how widespread an image is

I am looking for a way to make a reverse image search with Python. So the input would be an image or an image-url and as an output I would like to have the number how often this image was found in the www and maybe the urls to these found images.…
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swift - unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value when searching in Google Images

let placeName = "New York" func getImage(place: String) { let url = NSURL(string: "\(place)") let request = NSURLRequest(URL: url!) NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request,…
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Scraping the data from google image search

I have a set pictures of some kind of products for which I need to find similar ones using google images. I believe google doesn't allow you easily to scrape the data from it. So, does it really not? How would I go about bypassing it? A…
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Get image from Google from a String

I'm not an expert in Java.. I was wondering if there is a method, to get the first image of a result of searching an Image on Google Images from a String. If yes, what is the easiest and fastest method to do it? Thanks in advance!
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