Questions tagged [bots]

Bots, also known as web-robots, are software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet. Typically, they perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone. Notable examples are spiders, crawlers, scrapers, spam-bots and game-bots.

Bots are made to automate human surfing activity to get commercial advantage. Currently there are three main fields of application for them:

  • Searching ( crawl the web, gathering hyperlink structure, parsing and/or storing content found )
  • Advertisement ( post advertisements on resources, which technically allow it - blogs, forums, social networks )
  • Games / Gambling / Trading ( "gold farming", "e-bay snipers", "auto-bid", etc )

While the first category is almost a mainstream - all bots are negatively perceived by society in general. Site owners actively refuse to let unknown bots to use their sites, by all technical and legal means. CAPTCHA is the most famous artifact of this "war".

Bots can be written in any language that allows network interaction, but most often in PHP, Perl or Python. Modern bots are often based on web-testing frameworks, like Selenium or Watir, giving them ability to fully simulate human behavior and work with AJAX sites.

Notice: Bots should not be confused with "zombie-pc", individual units of botnet.

7520 questions
129 answers

Stopping scripters from slamming your website

I've accepted an answer, but sadly, I believe we're stuck with our original worst case scenario: CAPTCHA everyone on purchase attempts of the crap. Short explanation: caching / web farms make it impossible to track hits, and any workaround (sending…
Dave Rutledge
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17 answers

how to detect search engine bots with php?

How can one detect the search engine bots using php?
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1 answer

How to delete slackbot reminder that was created by other person?

There is slack private channel with slackbot reminder. It was created by person doesn't work at our company anymore. How can i delete this noisy slackbot reminder??
Andrey Glazkov
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5 answers

WhatsApp API (java/python)

I am looking for WhatsApp API, preferably a Python or Java library. I've tried Yowsup, but could not get my number registered; I am based in India and I am not sure if that has got anything to do with it. I did try WhatsAPI (Python library) but it…
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8 answers

Detect Search Crawlers via JavaScript

I am wondering how would I go abouts in detecting search crawlers? The reason I ask is because I want to suppress certain JavaScript calls if the user agent is a bot. I have found an example of how to to detect a certain browser, but am unable to…
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2 answers

Human-like mouse movements via Selenium

The Story: One of the approaches to solve captchas, like Google ReCaptcha, is to try to imitate the human mouse actions: movements, hovering and clicks. Some users reported that making mouse moves as B-spline curves worked for them. The…
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5 answers

Bot Framework without Azure possible?

If i'm building a bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework, do i need to deploy my bot to Azure in order to register my bot HERE in order to configure the channels for the bot? Or can i simply deploy my bot to a normal (for example) IIS Server? I…
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2 answers

How do I make a slack bot leave a channel?

Bots cannot use the regular channels.leave API call, so how do I make a bot leave a channel, short of kicking it? I need it to leave a channel where I do not have rights to kick users.
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7 answers

Detecting honest web crawlers

I would like to detect (on the server side) which requests are from bots. I don't care about malicious bots at this point, just the ones that are playing nice. I've seen a few approaches that mostly involve matching the user agent string against…
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3 answers

How to add a bot to a Telegram Group?

I've been trying to add a bot to my Telegram group in Android Device but I am not able to do so. I tried @bot_name, /bot_name, but it doesn't work. Is it possible to add a bot to the group or should I create a new bot using Telegram API (not bot…
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11 answers

How can a program control another program?

Bots, how do they work? Do they tell the video game a key was pressed or the mouse was clicked? If not is there a way to have your program tell another program a key was pressed? I would like to make a program to beat some game. So any resources or…
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4 answers

Pickle: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

I keep on getting this error when I run the following code in python 3: fname1 = "auth_cache_%s" % username fname=fname1.encode(encoding='utf_8') #fname=fname1.encode() if os.path.isfile(fname,) and cached: response =…
D Xia
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4 answers

Terminate all dialogs and exit conversation in MS Bot Framework when the user types "exit", "quit" etc

I can't figure out how to do the a very simple thing in MS Bot Framework: allow the user to break out of any conversation, leave the current dialogs and return to the main menu by typing "quit", "exit" or "start over". Here's the way my main…
5 answers

Building a NetHack bot: is Bayesian Analysis a good strategy?

A friend of mine is beginning to build a NetHack bot (a bot that plays the Roguelike game: NetHack). There is a very good working bot for the similar game Angband, but it works partially because of the ease in going back to the town and always…
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27 answers

When the bots attack!

What are some popular spam prevention methods besides CAPTCHA?
Jose Vega
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