Questions tagged [google-image-search]

276 questions
0 answers

Pull random image from a google image search with jquery or php

Is there a way to display a random image from a google image search? preferably using jquery or php?
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google image search by image file(Not URL , From Endcorded Code )

Perhaps, you know that google image search by local image file .. But, Google does not Support API about only file search. Just URL or Text search APIs are suppoted.. So i tryed to use URL like this : ( Text = stackoverflow…
tae jun Kim
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Discord Google Image Search

I am trying to make a discord bot where I search for "example image" and it takes a random image from google under that search term and sends it. This is what I have so far: bot.on('message', message => { let args =…
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Download pictures from google images using python

i have a preety big json file with a lot of car brands and models(more than 1000 cars) and the json file looks like these: { "0":"honda_civic" "1":"nissan_leaf" ... "id":"brand_model" } and i wander if i can save photos from google and put them…
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Google custom search - poor image results

I've created a Google Custom Search engine to add an image search functionality in my android app. In the Google dashboard, I've added * as a website to search in with the aim of propose to the user the same image results he would have…
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Get url's from google images

I'm using the follow code to get a list of all the images url's on a webpage. the target is to get all the images url's from google image search. my problem that i get only 20 url's and the url's photo are the small photos and not the real…
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Content-based image retrieval features

I'm trying to implement Content-based image retrieval in my application. I found a LIRE library that look pretty good. I need to analyze my image collection for similar(from human point of view) images. In my catalog I have a big amount of…
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Bash script to download from google images

Some weeks ago I found in this site a very useful bash script that downloads images from google image results (download images from google with command line) Although the script is quite complicate for me, I did some simple modifications so as not…
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How to post reverse google search image with base64

I have problem how to parameters to post base64 to reverse google search image?
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Finding current page number in google search image api

Is there any way to find out current page number in search complete callback function of google image search api? I have defined a function for search complete callback and set it using this setSearchCompleteCallback and found that it is called for…
Pawan Nogariya
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Make a Google search programmatically and process results

I want to do a Google search using PHP or Node.js. I have not yet decided which to use; it depends on what answers for this question are and which are easier to implement (the rest of what I want to do is easy in either languages). After getting…
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Google image search in objective c

I want to search image from Google and add this images in collection view cell. I am new to iOS development. I search through net and Google is saying me about its custom API search. Can anyone help me giving a helpful sample code for Google image…
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Search image duplicate with google images

Google images has possibility to look for an image using other's image url. I want to use it to look for a image duplicate on my social website. Does someone have php script that does that? Is it possible?
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Google Image Search using local image using python code

I did lots of search for Google Image Search using local image but not found any accurate answer. like what are the parameter we have to pass when upload a photo to google server. so any one know how i can use Google Image search for searching local…
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search the detail of an image by sending it to server using any api in android

I am developing an application which search the detail of an image by sending it to server using search API in android. I have tried the google image search API but it has been blocked. I need help, is there any other API which i can use to search…
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