Questions tagged [google-cloud-monitoring]

Google Cloud Monitoring provides dashboards and alerts for cloud-powered applications.

Google Cloud Monitoring (aka Stackdriver Monitoring) is a native GCP solution for service monitoring. The tool lets users create charts, dashboards, alerts and notifications based on built-in or custom metrics.

GCP/Stackdriver Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud (), Amazon Web Services (), hosted uptime probes, and application instrumentation. Using the Blue Medora BindPlane service, you can also collect this data from over 150 common application components, on-premise systems, and hybrid cloud systems.

Note: Consider searching for tag to find more answers, as it historically was an umbrella term for GCP operation suite, with , and being part of it.


219 questions
1 answer

Google Cloud Functions: monitor HTTP status codes

I want to setup Cloud Monitoring to alert me each time my Cloud Function responds with 4xx / 5xx HTTP status codes. Please let me know how to implement this from Cloud Console.
1 answer

GCP: Is it possible for a Cloud function to trigger when an Alert fires?

I am using Google Cloud Monitoring of Google Cloud Platform. I have created some alert policies for objects that I monitor. However , When there is an alert that fires a, there are some pieces of information that are not included that I want…
1 answer

Is the google cloud monitoring API for creating SLOs supported for cloud endpoints?

I'm following instructions here to get a list of services in my project from the google monitoring API: curl --http1.1 --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"…
1 answer

Can I use Google Cloud Monitoring to monitor a failing Container / Pod?

Trying out Google Cloud Monitoring - I am struggling to create an alert using out-of-the-box metrics for when a Container or Pod has errors, is unschedulable, and so on. Really basic stuff to monitor if my application(s) are healthy. Something that…
Erik Zivkovic
  • 3,444
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2 answers

Monitor percentage of CPU and memory in GKE nodes

I would like to use Stackdriver monitoring to watch for my GKE nodes' CPU/mem % usage. However, when going through the Stackdriver Monitoring UI, there does not seem to be any such option available (meaning in terms of percentage). On the other hand…
1 answer

Stackdriver metrics missing for load balancers created with traffic director

I've created an vpc internal http load balancer - using GCP's new Traffic Director, consisting of a forwarding rule, url map, couple backends pointing to VMs and NEGs. The solution works fine (end to end) - however none of the specific loadbalancer…
2 answers

stackdriver - showing count as percentages

We currently have logging setup with custom metrics that pulls the HttpResponseStatus from our logs using (?:HttpResponseStatus=)(...) When this is put into a dashboard it will show a count of all the different status codes e.g 200, 204 What I am…
1 answer

Accessing the subscription/num_oustanding_messages metric in Google PubSub from Python

Is it possible to access the subscription/num_outstanding_messages metric listed from google-cloud-python? I've used similar code to successfully access the num_undelivered_messages metric,…
1 answer

Liveness Probe, Readiness Probe not called in expected duration

On GKE, I tried to use readiness probe/ liveness probe , and post alert using monitoring as a test, I create a pod which has readiness probe/ liveness probe. Probe check failed everytime,…
1 answer

How can I get notifications for all stderr logs sent to Google Cloud Logging?

I'd like to get notifications for all standard error logs sent to Google Cloud Logging. Preferably, I'd like to get the notifications through Google Cloud Error Reporting, so I can easily get notifications on my phone through the GCP mobile…
2 answers

How to display total dataproc job by status in cloud monitoring/stackdriver?

There should be succeeded/failed/pending status in Dataproc job, of course I could see that in Jobs section under Dataproc on Cloud Console. But, how to visualize all of this status in cloud monitoring/stackdriver? Already tried scorecard chart and…
1 answer

Monitoring & Detecting Exceptions in Applications using Cloud Monitoring

I am new to GCP and come from an Azure background. Is there an equivalent of "Azure Application Insights" on the GCP side for Monitoring Applications? Let me explain my use case more clearly with an example: If I have a .NET based web application…
Vikram S
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1 answer

How to monitor the cloud function error rate with Google Cloud Monitoring?

I'd like to get an alert when a cloud function returns non-OK status codes for more than 90% of executions over 30 minutes. The series I'm filtering is Out of all records, I want to count…
3 answers

Compute Engine VM Creation Notification

I wanted to get notified if/when there is/are any VM creation in my infra on GCP. I see a google library that can give me list of VM. I can create a function to use this code (probably) Schedule the above function. And check for difference. But do…
1 answer

How to create percentile-based metric chart?

My application generates "score" values for a particular use case. These scores generally are anywhere in the range of 0-120, but most cluster in the range of 60-95. I currently have a stat chart using counts with cardinality, e.g., 0, 1-12, 13-24,…
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