Questions tagged [google-analytics-api]

A set of APIs for building custom reporting solutions and programmatically managing existing Google Analytics accounts and users.

Google Analytics is a free data collection and analysis platform by Google. The Reporting and Management APIs are for developers already tracking data with the Google Analytics collection libraries. See also the google-analytics tag for general information.

The Reporting APIs

Save time by automating complex reporting tasks and integrate Google Analytics data with other data for deeper insights about your business with these Reporting APIs:

The Management API

Authorized users can programmatically access and manage Google Analytics accounts, users, and data with the Management API.

In addition to managing all account levels and users, you can also use this API to manage certain types of data, like upload cost data to Google Analytics for non-Google paid campaigns, retrieve account data to use with the Reporting APIs, and manage content experiments.

Demos & Tools

Developers to discover what's possible with the Google Analytics Platform. Explore what’s possible and learn how to build powerful and flexible applications with the Google Analytics Demos & Tools.

More links:

3781 questions
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Using woopra analytic for getting stored data back

I am new to woopra analytic . So far i have written java script that is sending user activity back to woopra server . This module is working fine. What i want to do is . Get data back from woopra server depending upon particular user For example if…
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How do I use get_mcf and get_ga together in Package "RGA"?

I need to have data from both Google Analytics API and Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API togrther. I employed get_mcf option in RGA package in R but it deos not allow me to query dimensions and metrics of Google Analytics API. For…
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Discrepancy when requesting country specific data from the API VS the website

I'm using the Google Analytics API via Google App Scripts to measure retention of users for an app in a specific country. For example: X number of users in the USA download and open the app on 2nd March 2016. How many of those users came back to…
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Google Analytics API monthly data increases with longer selected date range

I've stumbled upon this problem and have no idea how to explain. I want to view number of events month-by-month, therefore, I included parameters drilled down by yearMonth dimension: metrics = ga:users and ga:uniqueEvents dimension =…
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How to get views of particular product from google analytics report api?

I need to get views of particular item by it's id from goggle analytics reporting api, google analytics code on the site looks like that: // Called when a link to a product is clicked. function onProductClick241() { …
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Google Analytics api's not reporting data for certain users #API

This is the Image of analytics data I am tracking the performance of my web application using google's User Timing API. I have the following code in my javascript file which measures the performance of the request and send collective data to Google.…
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Extended Ecommerce 'purchase' event is not stored in Cordova App

We have a Cordova/Web app that is using Extended Ecommerce API. It works as expected when we run it as a mobile website but, when we run the same code as a Cordova app the 'purchase' event is not shown in Google Analytics ECommerce reports (the…
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Event tracker does not track event in Google Analytics V4 in Android

I have integrated Google Analytics V4 in my Android application. It tracks screen in real time but it does not track Events in my application. Am I missing some codes ? public class MyApplication extends Application { private static final…
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Google Analytics API java lib - certificate error

I am using this java library to extract GA data. But it is generating the following certificate error: PKIX path building failed: …
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Google's Hello Analytics Program for the API getID() error

I am having problems getting the Hello Analytics program to work with Google Analytics API v3. I have gone to the google developers website and went through the steps to setup the user and get the credentials and add the user to analytics. I…
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Create rows in a data frame based on other rows and column combination in R

I have a problem with a data frame in R, I have some data with two dimensions and one metric, but some combination of categories don't have data. My data look like these: interestAffinityCategory userGender users 1 Music…
Diego Gaona
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Analytics API- Get MCF data = Blank Results

I am trying to retrieve MCF data from an analytics account. So far I am able to get GA Data successfully, but when I try MCF I get blank data. Am I reading the data correctly, or is MCF data in a different format? $results=…
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Recommended way to check Google Analytics is running correctly on every page (wordpress)

I have a Wordpress site that has multiple plugins & that has somehow over time got the same Analytics tracking link (albeit slightly different implementations of it) in a few places on the site. I want to remove one of them so the site 'touch wood'…
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Google Analytics API get Goal name

I need to get a goal name using google analytics API. I'd like to display this name along with some dimensions such as ga:goalCompletionsAll, ga:goalValueAll but I'm unable to. I have done some research and all I could find are the explanations here…
3 answers

TypeError: file() argument 1 must be encoded string without NULL bytes, not str

I am trying to follow this tutorial to so connect to Google Analytics API. I followed everything step by step. But when I run the module in python, I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\me\Desktop\New folder…
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