Questions tagged [glassfish-4.1.1]

GlassFish 4.1.1 is a Java EE application server

GlassFish 4.1.1 is a Java EE application server.

In this 4.1.1 release, most the underlying GlassFish components have been updated. The list below contains some of the updated components.

  • Jersey 2.21 (JAX-RS 2.0.1 aka JAX-RS 2.0 rev A)
  • Weld 2.2.13.Final (CDI 1.2)
  • MQ 5.1.1-b02 (JMS 2.0.1)
  • Tyrus 1.11 (WebSocket 1.1 )
  • Mojarra 2.2.12
  • EclipseLink 2.6.1-RC1
  • Grizzly 2.3.23
  • HK2 2.4.0-b31
  • JBatch Runtime 1.0.1-b09
  • JSON-P RI 1.0.4
  • ...

Finally, it should also be mentioned that and in addition to various bug fixes, GlassFish 4.1.1 also includes several security related fixes.

Release Announcement:


15 questions
3 answers

How to change EJB transaction timeout in Glassfish 4.1.1?

In Glassfish the EJB transaction timeout is set to 120 seconds by default, and I want to change this value. I know that it can be changed by defining the "cmt-timeout-in-seconds" param in the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml, but I use the Web module with…
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1 answer

java.lang.ClassCastException: ... Lucene40PostingsFormat

I'm trying to use Hibernate-Search in one of my JavaEE projects and seem to run into the exact same problem as described by Rallenaldo: My Maven-project is using Java JDK 1.8.0_73 Hibernate 5.0.6.Final Hibernate-Search 5.5.2.Final (which uses…
0 answers

Glassfish 4.1 jar locking in windows

I recently upgraded Glassfish from 4.0 to 4.1 and i'm on Windows 8.1. Now when i try to undeploy/redeploy my application (WAR), asadmin hangs indefinitely. The problem is that all JARs inside domain1\applications\myapp\WEB-INF\lib are locked and…
Michele Mariotti
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1 answer

Glassfish create-service for [domain 2]

I'm trying to create windows service for glassfish and I've had no problems creating one for the default domain, but when it comes to a domain I created my self, I seem to struggle. the command I'm using is: asadmin>create-service --domaindir…
1 answer

Is the class extending ClientBehaviorBase can be considered as an injection target?

The bean is defined to be as simple as follows: @Named @RequestScoped public class ConfirmBean { private String confirmMsg; public ConfirmBean(){ confirmMsg = "Are you sure you want to delete this file ?"; } // getters &…
Farhan Shirgill Ansari
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1 answer

Glassfish 4.1.1 - Response code 400 on a DELETE request with a body

According to the fix in present in Glassfish 4.1.1. It is applied by setting http listener property: asadmin set…
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1 answer

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts when using JJWT JSON Web Token

When I am trying to use JJWT from Stormpath, it is throwing a run time Exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts. I am using Jersey2 embedded on GlassFish 4.1; here is the code that is throwing the exception: private String…
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1 answer

Guice Deployment exception

In Airpal used Guice for DI framework, in my project we are using glassfish 4.1 payara server RESTful web services, Jersey version 2.21. issue 1: if use Guice got some runtime exceptions Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the…
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1 answer

glassfish4.1.1 "A full JDK (not just JRE) is required"

Windows 10: installed glassfish4.1.1 and jdk-8u111 but having the "A full JDK (not just JRE) is required" problem. The path variable looks ok as does the JAVA_HOME variable.
2 answers

GlassFish4 error during artifact deployment

During the transition from TomCat9 to GlassFish4 i ran into a problem. I tried to find the decision but could not. When i was deploying the same app to TomCat it is all was ok. Please help me. Here is data from the glassfish log…
Andrey K
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1 answer

Glassfish to Wildlfy: security: does Wildlfy have an equivalent to the Glassfish file realm and keyfile (incl. admin console/command support)

All of the Wildfly (and JBoss AS) docs and Glassfish-to-Wildfly migration examples I've seen use a JDBCrealm requiring database setup and some other config file fiddling. Q: Is there any equivalent to the simple Glassfish file realm and keyfile in…
1 answer

JPA 2.1 uni-directional OneToMany mapping : EDITED

If have a JEE6 application that works fine on Glassfish 3.1.1 since years. Now have to move it to JEE7 / Glassfish 4.1.1 and ran into a couple of problems regarding JPA / Eclipselink: a) I have an entity Applicant that contains a couple of Lists…
1 answer

Glassfish/Payara: why might deployment of a large web app to Glassfish-4.1.1 (or Payara Server take 5 times longer than to Glassfish-4.1

Mac OS X: Yosemite 10.10.5 Until recently I have been using: NetBeans8.1beta Glassfish4.1 Mojarra 2.2.7 I have recently investigated using: NetBeans8.1 Glassfish4.1.1 Mojarra 2.2.12. With a very large JSF web app (with ObjectDB as JPA persistence…
1 answer

Runtimeexception on admin console of GlassFish

I downloaded the latest version (4.1.1) of GlassFish, unzipped to a local folder, started the domain with command asadmin start-domain from the bin directory. I Opened the admin console of the server on web browser and clicked the new button on…
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1 answer

Glassfish stop itself

I'm new in glassfish. I have a vps in digitalocean with Ram 512 mb. I just running 1 domain and 1 simple web service application. But glassfish stop without my command. Any suggest? I using glassfish 4.1.1 Edit for Trevor. I forget to say about…
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