Questions tagged [github-codereviews]

Questions which are related to the GitHub pull request reviews functionality.

GitHub pull request reviews functionality. See

42 questions
3 answers

How to understand code like this in c++ [request->headers().Method()->value().getStringView())]

I am suppose to reduce it down to [request->headers().getMethodValue())]. I am fairly new to C++. Can someone please tell me how to understand this type of code? There are multiple . operator and -> operator. I loose track of the classes and…
1 answer

How to approve a review on github after a review that requests changes?

I reviewed a pull request on github and requested changes. They made and pushed the changes. Now I can't find a button to re-review and say "approve." Where is it? I also looked at the docs. No luck.
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How to fetch review report from Bitbucket using curl command for a specific week?

Use case is I want to fetch a report on the number of code reviews that were happened in a specific week on Bitbucket using curl command.Can anyone suggest how to do this?
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GitHub I cannot add a reviewer to a pull request

I am the owner of a public GitHub repository but I cannot add anyone to review my pull request. It only shows "Nothing to show". I tried what was suggested on another similar question = to add a collaborator to the repository. But I cannot add…
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Unable to figure operation of my github status check operation

This is my protected branch (master) configuration: And this is what I tried: $ git push Enumerating objects: 5, done. Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing…
1 answer

How to do code reviews to Android applications in github?

As a team member, we work on creating an Android app with Github. We use PR's and code reviews. We also use Android Studio for development, It's hard to do code reviews to the layouts without actually seeing them. I was wondering if there is some…
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Should I ignore automated code review errors for GUI class?

Should I ignore automated code review errors for GUI class? This class was generated by Windowbuilder. Should I make it differently so it has A grade in automated code reviews, and how should I do it, or should I ignored them because this types of…
Zoran Jankov
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3 answers

echo language construct is discouraged. (PHP)

why codacy(code review tool) showing "echo language construct is discouraged." how to solve this issue. 1:
1 answer

How to resolve a pullrequest review?

I created a pullrequest and reviewer reviewed it, posted comments and requested changes, I updated the pr with changes and resolved all the comment, but still at the bottom of the page, it shows someone requested changes and a red cross. Is there…
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Isn't git-flow a bit ambiguous when it comes to raising MR for code reviews?

I am new to using git-flow and have got some queries. Let's say I have master & dev branches created upon git flow init and feature/master-api branch made from dev branch. Once I complete the feature I do git flow feature finish master-api. The…
1 answer

Implementing check in policy in swift 4

Suppose I have a class like this: class person{ } I need to implement a policy to check my code and warn me using camel case for my class name (use Person instead of person) How can I do it in Swift?
ali fallah
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1 answer

Code Collaborator file subscription for whole git repo

I'm trying to figure out what the right file pattern is to subscribe to any Code Collaborator reviews on a specific git repository. So let's say I'm using the following git repo: ssh://username@host:port/path/to/repo/example.git What is the file…
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