Questions tagged [geography]

Geography is the science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena.

The use of traditional spatial techniques used in cartography and topography and their application to computers is called geomatics, which encompasses a large area of fields involved with analysis, such as , Geographic information systems (), Remote sensing, and Global positioning systems ().

The above excerpt is quoted from Wikipedia.

There is a Stack Exchange site devoted to Geographic Information Systems.

449 questions
1 answer

Convert geography to geometry SQL Server 2008R2

Hello, i have the following code in SQL Server, why if i want to calculate the sTArea of @geog fails and with @geom succeed?, how can i convert this polygon from geometry to geography datatype in order to get the STArea?, thank you. DECLARE…
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Instagram API Real Time geography subscriptions - too few requests

I've implemented the real time functionality on the Instagram API by subscribing to 5 geographies. These geographies pretty much cover the area of Bucharest, so I'm thinking I should get a lot of action from Instagram's servers. Here's the way I…
Adi Dabu
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1 answer

Calculate Earth convex hull polygon area given latitude and longitude

I have searched for explanations and algorhitms how to calculate Earth's polygon surface area. I've found this and this Lets say I got already convex hull points [56.992666,24.126051], [58.00282,25.930147], [58.787955,25.565078],…
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2 answers

SQL Server geography testing if a point is within a bounds - what does STWithin() do?

I am testing various SQL geography type methods - specifically, I want to understand the difference between STContains() and STWithin(). According to the docs: StWithin() - Returns 1 if a geography instance is spatially within another geography…
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0 answers

Generating country-shaped geometry on the surface of a sphere in Godot

I am currently working on a game in Godot which involves rendering countries on a globe. I have very little prior experience with Godot, but have experimented with it in the past. I am using this data from Natural Earth for country borders, and have…
TXP Ghost
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2 answers

Create a surface plot of xyz altitude data in Python

I am trying to create a surface plot of a mountain in python, of which I have some xyz data. The end result should look something like that. The file is formatted as follows: 616000.0 90500.0 3096.712 616000.0 90525.0 3123.415 616000.0 90550.0…
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2 answers

PostGIS: register a "geometry" column without AddGeometryColumn

The usual way to create a geometry column is AddGeometryColumn, however I have to work with pre-existing columns, so I can't use that function (as far as I know). Thanks to the PostGIS docs, I can already register the column in the…
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4 answers

How to restrict app usability to a certain geographical area ANDROID

I want to define a geographical boundary outside of which, the app will refuse to work. I already know how to do this with a square bound by two lat/long pairs: if ((dLAT.doubleValue() > 35.309171) || (dLAT.doubleValue() < 35.226442) ||…
Nerdy Bunz
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1 answer

C# SQLGeography: diagnosing invalid geometries

We have a large amount of geography stored in MapInfo tables that we would now like to store in SQL Server. We have written C# utilities to read the geography from the MapInfo files and import them into SQL server. For the most part, this is…
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3 answers

How to set a point as default value for a geography column?

I have this SQL command that creates a table with a GEOGRAPHY-type column for spatial data that is meant to store a latitude/longitude pair (a point). How can I set a default value for that column? For example, a point at (0,0)? CREATE TABLE…
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4 answers

Maximum length of a decimal latitude/longitude Degree?

What is the maximum length (in kilometers or miles - but please specify) that one degree of latitude and longitude can have in the Earth surface? I'm not sure if I'm being clear enough, let me rephrase that. The Earth is not a perfect circle, as we…
Alix Axel
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2 answers

Linq & unsupported data types (Geography)

So, Linq does not support the Geography data type, which throws a major spanner in the works in the lovely 'drag table onto the Linq design surface' developemnt model. Is there any way that I can extend Linq to work with the Geography datatype? Or…
Mr. Flibble
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2 answers

Calculating shortest path between 2 points on a flat map of the Earth

How do you draw the curve representing the shortest distance between 2 points on a flat map of the Earth? Of course, the line would not be a straight line because the Earth is curved. (For example, the shortest distance between 2 airports is…
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5 answers

Converting vector-contoured regions (borders) to a raster map (pixel grid)

I have a map that is cut up into a number of regions by borders (contours) like countries on a world map. Each region has a certain surface-cover class S (e.g. 0 for water, 0.03 for grass...). The borders are defined by: what value of S is on…
Jean-François Corbett
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2 answers

GIS services on Google App Engine

There is any geocoding/routing service which runs on Google App Engine? (besides the Google Maps API)
Jader Dias
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