Questions tagged [geography]

Geography is the science that deals with the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena.

The use of traditional spatial techniques used in cartography and topography and their application to computers is called geomatics, which encompasses a large area of fields involved with analysis, such as , Geographic information systems (), Remote sensing, and Global positioning systems ().

The above excerpt is quoted from Wikipedia.

There is a Stack Exchange site devoted to Geographic Information Systems.

449 questions
1 answer

How to convert latitude and longitude to world coordinates à la Google Maps

I am designing an application in C++ to view and edit a map of a fictional planet. How it works will be similar to Google Maps. I would like the user to be able to see their current position in latitude/longitude and world coordinates on the…
Jake Petroules
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3 answers

SQL Server 2008 Geography .STBuffer() distance measurement units

I'm working with a geographic point using lat/long and need to find other points in our database within a 5 mile radius of that point. However, I can't seem to find out what the "units" are for STBuffer, it doesn't seem to conform to feet, miles,…
2 answers

Best way to export/import MS Sql 2008 Geography data

(ANSWER) How to export some Geography data from a Microsoft Sql Server 2008. You'll need to use the command line argument BCP to dump the data in it's original (native) format to a binary file. Then on the other server you can bulk insert this…
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1 answer

SQL Geography point inside polygon not returning true on STIntersect (but returns true using Geometry)

I don't want to resort in converting my geography data to geometry just so it returns true in STIntersect. Here is the code in SQL: DECLARE @point GEOGRAPHY = GEOGRAPHY::Point(1, 1, 4326) DECLARE @polygon GEOGRAPHY =…
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4 answers

Identifying geographical locations in text

What kind of work has been done to determine whether a specific string pertains to a geographical location? For example: 'troy, ny' 'austin, texas' 'hotels in las vegas, nv' I guess what I'm sort of expecting is a statistical approach that gives a…
Robert Elwell
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Create geography polygon from points in T-SQL

In my SQL Server (2008 R2) on Azure, there's a table containing a lot of geographical Points (latitude/longitude): CREATE TABLE MyPoints ( Region uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, Number int NOT NULL, Position geography NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT…
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7 answers

PHP/MySQL: Select locations close to a given location from DB

In PHP, I have the following code for calculating the distance between two locations:
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SQL Server 2008 R2 Geography Distance?

I have created a table with the following columns: Text:varchar(255) Location:geography They contain a few city's from The Netherlands as data (got the coordinates from google maps): Rotterdam - POINT (51.925637 4.493408 4326) Utrecht - POINT…
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2 answers

STIntersection result is STIntersects = 0

I have line @a that intersects another line @b. When I take the intersection point and detect if/where it intersects @b, it returns false declare @a GEOMETRY = Geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (-83 24, -80.4907132243685 24.788632986627039)',…
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3 answers

Database of US metropolitan area names?

I've been unsuccessful in trying to find a US metropolitan area (e.x. San Francisco Bay Area, South Bay, The Berkshires, Upstate New York, etc.) database that is defined by cities. Does anyone know if such a thing exists? Wikipedia has a list of…
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2 answers

How to extract countries from a text?

I use Python 3 (I also have Python 2 installed) and I want to extract countries or cities from a short text. For example, text = "I live in Spain" or text = "United States (New York), United Kingdom (London)". The answer for…
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4 answers

Radius of multiple latitude/longitude points

I have a program that takes as input an array of lat/long points. I need to perform a check on that array to ensure that all of the points are within a certain radius. So, for example, the maximum radius I will allow is 100 miles. Given an array…
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1 answer

How to define 'geography' type using Npgsql and OrmLite (using postgresql, postgis, c#)

How do I define a postgis 'geography' type in my C# class model so that OrmLite can easily pass it through to Postgresql so I can run spatial queries in addition to saving spatial data to the 'geography' column?
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4 answers

How to correct Polygon Ring Orientation using C# Entity Framework 5 DbGeography Spatial Data

I'm working with the new Entity-Framework 5 using the Spatial data type DbGeography as part of my model for storing in one instance, a POINT and in another instance a POLYGON. When setting the value of my POLYGON all saves with no error however this…
2 answers

SQL Server : Geography search performance - query nearest stores

I have a performance query nearest stores: We have a table that contains around 50,000 records (stores/point of sale locations) in one country. Each record has location columns of type "geography" [LOCATION_geo] [geography] Also for performance I…
Tarek El-Mallah
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