Questions tagged [gentoo]

Gentoo Linux (/ˈdʒɛntuː/ jen-too) is a computer operating system built on top of the Linux kernel and based on the Portage package management system. It is distributed as free and open source software.

Gentoo Linux (/ˈdʒɛntuː/ jen-too)
Gentoo is a computer operating system built on top of the Linux kernel and based on the Portage package management system, distributed as free and open source software.

Unlike a conventional software distribution, the user compiles the source code locally according to their chosen configuration.

Where source-code is available, Portage (the package manager of Gentoo) normally supplies no precompiled binaries, continuing in the tradition of the ports collection. Although for convenience, some software packages (such as Mozilla Firefox and LibreOffice) are also available as precompiled binaries for various architectures where compiling would otherwise be very time consuming.

The development project and its products are named after the fastest-swimming penguin, the Gentoo, to reflect the potential speed improvements of machine-specific optimization. Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, flexible, and optimized for the user's machine. Gentoo describes itself as a meta-distribution, "because of its near-unlimited adaptability", in that the majority of users have configurations and sets of installed programs which are unique to themselves.

Official Site:

316 questions
1 answer

Bind Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab in tmux

I'm trying to a get a ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab binding to work inside of a tmux session (I'm also using PuTTY). I already went through the pains of having to recompile PuTTY so it would send ctrl and shift correctly. After using ctrl+v, and I'm…
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4 answers

Hierarchical ldd(1)

Due to using Gentoo, it often happens that after an update programs are linked against old versions of libraries. Normally, revdep-rebuild helps resolving that, but this time it's a dependency on a python library, and python-updater won't pick it…
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3 answers

Apache server ignores .htaccess

I'm trying to get a website working on my test environment, but somehow it is not working. I can load the normal index page, but when I want to access /page/test it throws an error saying the page does not exists. My log says: File does not exist:…
Rene Terstegen
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3 answers

Custom Bash prompt is overwriting itself

I'm using custom bash prompt to show git branch. Everything is in /etc/bash/bashrc: function formattedGitBranch { _branch="$(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e "/^\s/d" -e "s/^\*\s//")" # tried these: echo -e "\e[0;91m ($_branch)" …
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8 answers

Is there any git repository with official daily updated Gentoo portage?

RSync is traditionally used to update Gentoo portage tree. But it's somewhat slow when dealing with a large number of files. So, I want to try to replace RSync with Git. I know that Funtoo have Git-based portage tree, but is there a Gentoo-specific…
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java does not properly reserve huge initial heap size

I'm working on a single machine with 512GB RAM (addressed by several AMD Opteron 6212 CPUs). There is currently about 300GB RAM free. Running a large java computation by running java path/to/myApp -Xms280g -Xmx280g > output.txt should make Java…
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4 answers

How do I rename the default postgres superuser to "root"?

I currently log in to PostgreSQL using psql -U postgres. How do I rename postgres user to root? If I am already logged in as postgres then trying ALTER USER postgres RENAME TO root will say ERROR: session user cannot be renamed. Is it possible to…
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4 answers

Installing the R-package "rgeos" on linux: geos-config not found or not executable

I am running R 3.4.1 on gentoo. When i try to install the 'rgeos' package, i get this: > install.packages("rgeos") Installing package into ‘/home/jody/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL…
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1 answer

Django/Mod_WSGI 'client denied by server configuration'

I'm attempting to set up Apache 2.2, Django 1.1.2 and Gentoo. I wish to serve my project with the address: /comics I followed the mod_wsgi directions in the django documentation to the letter, coming up with these…
Michael Westbom
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9 answers

php long running process with 'at' acting very strangely

Firstly, I am far from a Linux expert so that might be the issue here, but anyway, to the problem: I followed what is written here : to launch a long-running PHP process. This…
Joris Mans
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1 answer

Server ldap/ not found in Kerberos database

Edit : Issue finally solved. The detail can be found in the troubleshooting part at the end of this message. I leave the detailed steps here in case it could help somebody. Setup OpenLDAP I - Create the server The documentation are often outdated…
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1 answer

qemu + pulseaudio and bad quality of sound

I am using my gentoo as host os for kvm with vga passthrough for playing on windows, but I have problem with sound, it is not good quality, I hear something like crackles in sound. I am using pulseaudio (with --system mode) on host os, and tried…
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1 answer

Gentoo + debootstrap failing when used with fakeroot and fakechroot

I'm using a Gentoo box and I want to create Debian-based chroot environments without using the root account or sudo. This seems to be possible using tools such as fakeroot and fakechroot, but so far I haven't had any success with them. Here is the…
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3 answers

apc_store isn't working between requests

$bar = 'BAR'; apc_store('foo', $bar); var_dump(apc_fetch('foo')); Within one request this work. Now If i try to do a var_dump(apc_fetch('foo')); on another request it prints: bool(false) Any help? I am on gentoo with PHP 5.2, APC-3.1.9 Here what…
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2 answers

list of gentoo binary packages

Installing gentoo in my old laptop is a painful work, as the weekly update can make the poor cpu extra hot. To stick into gentoo with less emerge effort, I decided to use binary files for large packages e.g., chrome, firefox, libreoffice ect. Just…
Chenming Zhang
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