Questions tagged [ganymede]

Ganymede (or Eclipse Ganymede) is the code name for the annual release of Eclipse projects in 2008.

54 questions
7 answers

Eclipse - How can I change a 'Project Facet' from Tomcat 6 to Tomcat 5.5?

(Eclipse 3.4, Ganymede) I have an existing Dynamic Web Application project in Eclipse. When I created the project, I specified 'Default configuration for Apache Tomcat v6' under the 'Configuration' drop down. It's a month or 2 down the line, and I…
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9 answers

Where to put the external jars?

I use Eclipse (3.4) and my class compiles without warning or errors. My project uses an external jar file. Where do I need to put this external jar file in order not to get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when using this class from another project…
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18 answers

Eclipse Search Menus disabled randomly

I use Eclipse 3.3 in my daily work, and have also used Eclipse 3.2 extensively as well. In both versions, sometimes the Search options (Java Search, File Search, etc) in the menu get disabled, seemingly at random times. However, with Ctrl+H, I am…
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23 answers

Unrooted Tests

When running all my tests in Eclipse (Eclipse 3.4 'Ganymede'), one test is listed under "Unrooted Tests". I'm using Junit 3.8 and this particular test extends TestCase. I do not see any difference between this test and the other tests. I don't…
Paul Croarkin
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4 answers

Converting a Java Project to a Dynamic Web Project

I'm using Eclipse Ganymede to create a web application, but the project's currently just a standard Java project. I want to convert it to a Dynamic Web Project and I need a hand in doing that. I've had suggestions given to me about editing the…
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2 answers

Subclipse with SVNKit Adapter

I have two questions and some context. I am installing Subclipse 1.4.x into Eclipse Ganymede and I'm thinking that I should use the SVNKit Adapter. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 which comes with Subversion 1.4.x and since the JavaHL Adapter requires…
2 answers

Eclipse on win64

Is anyone successfully using the latest 64-bit Ganymede release of Eclipse on Windows XP or Vista 64-bit? Currently I run the normal Eclipse 3.4 distribution on a 32bit JDK and launch & compile my apps with a 64bit JDK. Our previous experience has…
Joshua McKinnon
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5 answers

What is an easy Mylyn task repository to use for a small (~40 devs) project?

I'm currently the only developer using Eclipse Mylyn integration (I'm the experimental one). I have two repositories configured - Bugzilla, which the project uses for internal bug tracking and a Local repository. I use the Local repo for organizing…
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7 answers

Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede Javascript Validation Issue

I just upgraded to Eclipse 3.4 for the second time and I think its for good now. The first time (right when it was released) was too buggy for me to stomach (mainly the PDT 2.0 plug-in); but now it seems to be all worked out. My problem is the…
3 answers

How to update Eclipse from 3.4 (Ganymede) to 3.5 (Galileo)?

I've got my Eclipse 3.4 envirnoment set up nice and cozy the way I like it. Took me some time too, to find all the plugins (Mylin, PDT, Subclipse), set all the settings, etc. Now I see that some of the plugins (like PDT) only support 3.5 in their…
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3 answers

Eclipse text comparison order

I'm using Eclipse 3.4 (on Mac) and I've got an annoyance with the text comparison having the files I'm comparing in a specific order which is not what I want. When I compare two files it always seems to put the first file (alphabetically) on the…
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4 answers

Eclipse Ganymede hacks, hints, tips, tricks, and best practices

I've recently started using Eclipse Ganymede CDT for C development and I couldn't like it more. I'm aware the learning curve could be sort of pronounced, therefore and with your help, my goal is to flatten it as much as possible. I'm looking for the…
Nano Taboada
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8 answers

Eclipse Ganymede not validating JSPs properly

I just installed Ganymede and am exploring an old project in it. All of my JSPs are giving me weird validation errors. I'm seeing stuff like - Syntax error on token "}", delete this token Syntax error on token "catch", Identifier expected Syntax…
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3 answers

Eclipse Error On Startup

Eclipse was running fine last night, but this morning I tried starting it up and I came upon this error: alt text Here's the log !SESSION 2010-04-07 17:58:37.208…
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1 answer

Make Eclipse treat .h file as C++?

All of our C++ headers use a .h extension. Eclipse thinks these are C headers and flags them with lots of syntax errors on things like classes and namespaces. I've tried to change the file type association from: Preferences > C/C++ > File types but…
Fred Larson
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