Questions tagged [ganymede]

Ganymede (or Eclipse Ganymede) is the code name for the annual release of Eclipse projects in 2008.

54 questions
6 answers

Attach Source Issue in Eclipse

In Eclipse (Ganymede) I'm debugging some code that uses Apache Commons HttpClient and would like to step into the HttpClient code. I've downloaded the source code and tried to attach it in the normal fashion (CTRL-click on the method name and use…
Paul Croarkin
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4 answers

Problem with update site categories in Eclipse 3.4

I am using Eclipse 3.4 (ganymede official, not the service pack). I have an update site that organizes features into categories; everything looks great in the editor and in the XML. Once the site is online, accessing it in the usual manner tells me…
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2 answers

Subversive connectors not working with newest Ganymede update

I'm using Subversive plugin in Ganymede, but after today's update it stopped working - it just doesn't see any valid svn connectors (I've already been using 1.2.0 dev version of SVNKit, instead of a stable one, because Subversive / Ganymede could…
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2 answers

Hot Deploy for JBoss on Eclipse 3.4: Ganymede

I am using Ganymede (Eclipse 3.4) to do some Java EE based web development targeting a JBoss 4.2 application server. I have always liked Eclipse very much for a Java editor. The thing is, for Java EE is not as useful as one might think. It's buggy,…
Pablo Santa Cruz
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4 answers

Is Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) memory usage significantly higher than 3.2?

I was happily using Eclipse 3.2 (or as happy as one can be using Eclipse) when for a forgotten reason I decided to upgrade to 3.4. I'm primarily using PyDev, Aptana, and Subclipse, very little Java development. I've noticed 3.4 tends to really give…
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1 answer

Webdav Plugin for Eclipse 3.4?

How do you get webdav support in eclipse 3.4? The development version of the 3.3 plugin I had been using in 3.3 doesn't seem to work.
Matt Campbell
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3 answers

Eclipse CDT 5.0.1 (Ganymede) slow indexer problem

I am trying to use Ganymede CDT to index our large codebase. It is painfully slow, can take a whole night to index the C++ files. Same project takes only 5 seconds to index with exuberant ctags 5.7. Is there some way to find what the root of the…
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4 answers

Referencing Javascript libraries with Tomcat

I am using Eclipse Ganymede and Tomcat 5.5. I would like to add some javascript and especially ajax functionality to a dynamic web project and need some help. I would like to use jquery (but I am open to other suggestions, if you tell me why another…
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1 answer

Specific JRE name (which might not be the same on other computers) stored in meta-data for Eclipse Ganymede WTP project

Problem overview: When using Eclipse Ganymede with the Web Tools Platform the project gets dependent on the exact JRE name I use. The name might be different on other developers machines, how is this problem best solved so that many developers may…
2 answers

How to install a custom plug-in in Eclipse Ganymede?

We have a custom plug-in. That is, the company where I'm working developed it in house. I would like to install it as an available plug-in in Eclipse Ganymede. How do I do that? From what I can figure out, the Eclipse software install only supports…
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6 answers

How to stop Eclipse 3.4 losing reference to the JRE in projects

Sometimes when using eclipse it loses references to the JRE. i.e. It cannot find classes like Object or Arraylist. Some projects report a problem while others don't and they both use the same JRE. I have found that if you switch the installed JRE to…
Craig Angus
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1 answer

How to show Help View at startup without User Input in Eclipse Ganymede?

My work requires me to develop for Eclipse 3.4 (ganymede). I would like to show the Help View from the Eclipse Help System at startup in my perspective. Trying to do it like this: public class Perspective implements IPerspectiveFactory { public…
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3 answers

How do I install PDT 2.0 in Eclipse Ganymede?

I've been trying to install PDT in Eclipse 3.4 for a few hours now and I'm not having any success. I have a previous installation of the Eclipse for Java EE developers (my main deal) distro and I just want to add the PDT to my install so I can also…
Tim Visher
  • 12,438
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2 answers

Java Decompiler for Eclipse (JD-Eclipse) not running in Ganymede

I have installed JD-Eclipse in many platforms and it works fine. I have a platform which the installation does not work. Please identify exactly what versions of each product must be installed. Note: I have carefully reviewed the installation…
  • 125
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2 answers

Anyone problems with PDT 2.0 and Eclipse 3.4.2?

I just installed Eclipse 3.4.2 with PDT 2.0 and it seems that in PHP perspective I'm unable to see any files in the project. When I switch to J2EE view I can see all the files in the project just fine. Anyone know whats going on?
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