Questions tagged [foursquare]

Location based social networking website. Users with GPS mobile devices can check-in at venues and award badges.

Foursquare is a location based social networking website. Users with GPS-enabled mobile devices can run the Foursquare app (available for a variety of devices such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc) to "check-in" at venues to award points and badges.

The Foursquare API gives developers access to all of the data used by the Foursquare mobile applications, and, in some cases, even more. Over 30 million people worldwide use Foursquare, accounting for more than 3 billion check-ins, with millions more each day. And more than a million businesses use the Merchant Platform.


API Documentation:

1554 questions
2 answers

How to build a Python crawler for websites using oauth2

I'm new in web programming. I want to build a crawler for crawling the social graph in Foursquare by Python. I've got a "manually" controlled crawler by using the apiv2 library. The main method is like: def main(): CODE = "******" url =…
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Implement a Foursquare-like Check-In into a wordpress/buddypress install

I am working on a pretty challenging project (at least challenging for me and my modest skills), which is based on Buddypress. Basically, I have this Buddypress Install, which I modified to fit my needs, which are for the most part localization…
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How can I get the position (lat, lon) of a foursquare checkin posted on twitter?

I search with the twitter API all the public tweets with "": so I get all the check-in on Foursquare that actually shared on Twitter. {"created_at":"Sun, 08 Jan 2012 20:05:27…
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FourSquare Venues API

I am a bit shaky on how to use the venues API in forusquare. My main question is related to OAuth. I want to be able to do venue searches on the server side of the system, and i need the server to login into foursquare automatically. It says on the…
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0 answers

[iOS][FoursquareAPI] ERROR: [connection] nw_resolver_start_query_timer_block_invoke

I Tried pull some restaurant data from foursquare base on user's location , but I got bunch of query error. here is location code: protocol UserLocationDelegate { func tracingLocation(currentLocation: CLLocation) } class UserLocation: NSObject…
Mille Yin
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4 answers

how to use foursquare API in android application?

I want to use foursquare API in my android application. In my app I want to fetch nearby place. Could you please show me how to start?
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Parsing JSON response in Android

I am writing a httpget request for android that queries the foursquare api for nearby event. The JSON responce I receive back is {"groups": [ { "type": "Nearby", "venues": [ { "id": 2587838, "name": "Marriott Druids Glen Hotel…
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1 answer

FourSquare vs. Google Places vs. Yelp API

I am trying to create an app that will help users find restaurants/movie theaters/malls/etc. to hang out based on ratings and distance. Other than just the place itself, I would also like to know more detailed information about the place. For…
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1 answer

How can I see how many people are checked in somewhere via the FourSquare API?

I am searching for a method to see how many people are checked in somewhere. Example: There are 73 people checked-in via swarm in the library. How can I get this information through the API? I couldn't find anything in the api that could do this.
1 answer

How to highlight marker on click with leaflet and jQuery Birdseye

I'm very new with leaflet, trying to duplicate the function on foursquare, highlight the clicked marker and reset it to the original maker when map is clicked or if another marker is selected and highlighted. I'm using jQuery Birdseye…
Pascal vant
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1 answer

$http POST call in angularjs returns HTTP status code 405

I try to make a POST call from a javascript client to a foursquare API called addvenue. This the API endpoint documentation link. But the server returns 405 - Method not allowed. Here is the snippet making the call var postdata =…
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Zoom on specific MKMapView frame

My question is somehow related to this one. But with iOS7 I wonder if there is a simpler way to do it. So basically I have a MKMapView working with a parallax effect, much like the Foursquare app. So how can I zoom all the Annotations on the…
Rui Peres
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Is there any way to get the foursquare venue id of a place given an Instagram location id?

Instagram locations are selected from a list of foursquare venues, and it's definitely possible to search for Instagram locations given a foursquare venue id, but I have an Instagram post and would like to find the foursquare venue it corresponds to…
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2 answers

Google places API similar API from Bing?

Google provides google places API ( ) to get local listing information. Ex url :,&cid=13222445107995448542 Is there any…
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1 answer

Getting places from Foursquare API

Fixed the link, now I get a JSON error msg java.lang.ClassCastException: org.json.JSONObject$1 cannot be cast to org.json.JSONObject Apparently my error lies somewhere here: String response = streamToString(urlConnection.getInputStream()); …